JALT Postconference Publication - Issue 2019.1; August 2020

Volume: 2019
Date of publication: August 2020

JALT2019—Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency

jalt2019It is a pleasure to present the 2019 JALT Postconference Publication: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency. The papers published in the PCP take up a varied range of topics and issues related to language education in Japan and Asia. This year’s edition also provides an index of the breadth and depth of interest shown by the EFL professionals who have presented at the JALT International Conference

The PCP is made possible by the contributions of many individuals, starting with the authors themselves, who, besides making presentations at the conference and then writing papers based on them, also submit to a rigorous process of review and editing in order to prepare their work for publication. We also would like to thank the teams that have assisted with this process, including the reviewers who evaluated the submissions, content editors who worked with authors on revisions, and copy editors who proofread and checked manuscripts for final publication. Not only did many of these contributors go above and beyond what was expected of them, many also contributed in more than one area. Their dedication and professionalism is always much appreciated.

Finally, we would like to thank our readers, as the excellent work represented here would have little meaning without an interested audience to carry on the discussion. We hope that all of you, contributors and readers alike, will return for future conferences and issues of the PCP.

—Peter Clements, Aleda Krause, and Reginald Gentry 
Editors – JALT2019: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency

Selected Papers

This section highlights three papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT editorial board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers.

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Richmond Stroupe
  • Publications Board Chair: Caroline Handley


  • Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For information:

  • JALT2019 Postconference Publication, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN

Cataloging Data:

  • P. Clements, A. Krause, & R. Gentry (Eds.) JALT2019: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency


  • 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
  • 1. Title August 2020 ISBN: 978-4-901352-62-8 - JALT2019 Postconference Publication



by Michael Ellis, International Christian University High School
by Gregory Sholdt, Konan University; Ken Schmidt, Tohoku Fukushi University; Asako Takaesu, Soka University; Roy Connolly, Sano Nihon University College; Christopher R. Cooper, Rikkyo University
by Brett R. Walter, Hiroshima University; Aaron C. Sponseller, Osaka Jogakuin University
by Matthew W. Turner, Toyo University
by Paul A. Lyddon, University of Shizuoka; Hiromu Okamura, Shizuoka University
by David A. Hammett,  Hokkaido University of Education
by Ryota Moriya, Otaru University of Commerce; Andrew Reimann, Aoyama Gakuin University; Shoko Moriya, University of Tokyo; Ryoko Sato, Reitaku University
by Joseph Shaules, Keio University; Robinson Fritz, Nagasaki University; Sumiko Miyafusa, Toyo Gakuen University
by Joseph C. Wood, Nagoya Women’s University
by Jason R. Walters, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
by Kathryn M. Tanaka, Otemae University; Robert Sheridan, Kindai University; Daniel Tang, Otemae University; Jeanette M. Kobayashi, Konan University
by Brad Visgatis, Osaka International University; Masao Tada, Osaka International University
by Masayo Kanno, UCL Institute of Education, University College London
by Robert J. Watson, British Council, Japan
by Beni Kudo, Rissho University; Giancarla Unser-Schutz, Rissho University 
by Steve Paydon, Waseda University; Robert Dilenschneider, Jichi Medical University
by Paul Collett, Shimonoseki City University; Michael Berg, University of Liverpool
by Sachiko Maruoka, Seikei University; Emiko Matsui, Toita Women’s College
by Suzanne Bonn, Université du Québec à Montréal; Jaime Demperio, Université du Québec à Montréal; Martyna Kozlowska, Université du Québec à Montréal
by Marshall Klassen, Kanazawa Seiryo University; Nicholas Marx, Ritsumeikan University
by Brad Deacon, Nanzan University; Kevin Ottoson, Nanzan University
by David S. Bowyer, Nagoya Gakuin University
by Sato Watanabe, Keio University
by Christian Misuro, English Instructor
by Shusaku Nakayama, Meiji Gakuin University
by Jeffrie Butterfield, Nihon University
by Gavin Brooks, Kwansei Gakuin University
by John Bankier, Kanagawa University; Joshua Brook Antle, Tsuda University
by Mayumi Hamada, The University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences
by Pauline Bunce, Cyril Jackson Senior Campus, Perth, Australia
by Amanda Gillis-Furutaka, Kyoto Sangyo University
by Kae Miyake-Warkentin, Kanda University of International Studies; Daniel Hooper, Kanda University of International Studies; Tim Murphey, Kanda University of International Studies
by Motoko Teraoka, Kindai University
by Matthew Ryczek, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
by Kio Iwai, Rikkyo University
by Steven Asquith, Kanda University of International Studies
by Judith Kambara, Okayama University
by Stephen Clarke, Nagoya College; Chris Hastings, Aichi Prefectural University
by Junko Chujo, Tokyo Denki University
by Hidenori Kuwabara, Kevin M. McManus, Mayumi Watanabe, Tokiwa University
by Yu Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University
by Guy Smith, International Christian University; John Peloghitis, International Christian University
by Christopher Robert Cooper, Rikkyo University
by Leigh McDowell, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
by Kevin Thomas, Asia University
by Marcel Van Amelsvoort, Juntendo University
by Kyoko Okamoto, Meiji University
by J. Tyler Kinkade, Kanagawa University
by Makoa K. Carman, National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College
by Marcus Grandon, University of Birmingham/University of Shizuoka
by Steven Pattison, Anthony Diaz, Tomoko Eto, Patrick Johnston, Kent Jones, Malcolm Larking, Michael Phillips, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
by Adam Murray, University of the Ryukyus; Yuji Nakamura, Keio University; Kahoko Matsumoto, Tokai University; Yasuko Ito, Kanda University of International Studies; Taiko Tsuchihira, Seitoku University
by Masaya Kanzaki, Kanda University of International Studies
by Giancarla Unser-Schutz, Rissho University