August 2020
Page No.:
- Variety, Volatility, Intensity: Understanding Key Characteristics of Individual Learner Differences 073
- Nathan T. Ducker
- Improving Accessibility: Developing Learner Agency 084
- Ryota Moriya, Andrew Reimann, Shoko Moriya, & Ryoko Sato
- Measuring Resistance and Engagement: The Linguaculture Motivation Profiler 092
- Joseph Shaules, Robinson Fritz, & Sumiko Miyafusa
- A Closer Look at Language Learning Strategies 100
- Joseph C. Wood
- Senpai: Learner Responses to a Near-Peer Role Modeling Intervention 106
- Jason R. Walters
- Bridging Pedagogical Gaps with Learner Agency 115
- Kathryn M. Tanaka, Robert Sheridan, Daniel Tang, & Jeanette M. Kobayashi
- University Students’ Perceptions of the Key Elements of Cooperative Learning 127
- Tomoko Hashimoto
- Tracking and Influencing Learning Motivation 136
- Brad Visgatis & Masao Tada
- Apathy, Agency, and Sociocultural Mediation in a University English Course 144
- Masayo Kanno
- Learner Motivation From a Teacher Perspective 151
- Robert J. Watson
- Rethinking Global Jinzai Policy: Exploring University Students’ Attitudes 160
- Beni Kudo & Giancarla Unser-Schutz
- Keeping the Aged Engaged: A Quantitative Study of Lifelong Learning 170
- Steve Paydon & Robert Dilenschneider
- Validating the Language Mindsets Inventory 179
- Paul Collett & Michael Berg
- The Impact of Instruction in English on Learning Anxiety 191
- Sachiko Maruoka & Emiko Matsui