August 2020
Page No.:
- Reflective Practice on Movie Scene Performances: Exploring Our Teacher Efficacy 296
- John Bankier & Joshua Brook Antle
- Exercises to Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Realization 304
- Mayumi Hamada
- Phonemic Awareness: A Core Phonological Skill in Learning English 314
- Pauline Bunce
- Promoting Student Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Japanese Context 321
- Adam Christopher
- Making a Lecture Course Student Centered: Steps and Issues 332
- Amanda Gillis-Furutaka
- Student Action Logging Creates Teacher Efficacy 341
- Kae Miyake-Warkentin, Daniel Hooper, & Tim Murphey
- Learner Agency Through Language Portfolios 350
- Motoko Teraoka
- Discussion Leadership in the EFL Classroom 358
- Matthew Ryczek
- Using Tasks to Teach Communication Strategies 364
- Kio Iwai
- Developing Learning Strategies Through a Multimodal Vocabulary Project 375
- Steven Asquith
- Passion Project Journaling in the EFL Classroom 383
- Judith Kambara
- Creating and Implementing Communicative Tasks According to VanPatten’s Principles 391
- Stephen Clarke & Chris Hastings
- Engaging the World From the English Classroom 399
- Junko Chujo
- Peer Mentoring and Development of Student Agency 409
- Hidenori Kuwabara, Kevin M. McManus, & Mayumi Watanabe
- Using Concept Maps to Facilitate EAP Speaking 420
- Yu Wang