English Coursebook Adoption Processes for Junior High Schools in Japan

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David A. Hammett,  Hokkaido University of Education

In Japan, each municipal or prefectural board of education (BOE) is responsible for selecting its own coursebook series to be used in English lessons for nation-wide, compulsory education courses (elementary through junior high school) and in high school. This paper is a report on the investigation of the official governmental websites of five municipal or prefectural BOEs to find what kinds of methods they currently use for the selection process of English coursebooks for junior high school (JHS). The processes employed by the BOEs were examined. It appears that the criteria BOEs use for selection differ and may not be firmly grounded in research on SLA and materials evaluation. Another consequence of the strategies used by BOEs is that they may be less inclined to adopt different coursebook series than those used in previous years.
