JALT Postconference Publication - Issue 2021.1; August 2022

Volume: 2021
Date of publication: August 2022

JALT2021—Reflections and New Perspectives

jalt2020 logoIt is our pleasure to present the 2021 JALT Postconference Publication: Reflections and New Perspectives. The papers published in the PCP represent a range of topics and issues related to language education in Japan and the concerns of the language teaching professionals who presented at 2021 JALT International Conference. This edition covers a variety of themes, including a number of papers on reflections on the learner and learning, reflections on teachers and teaching, reading and writing, listening, language textbooks, technology in teaching, issues in the profession, and teaching other languages. 

It would not be possible to publish the PCP without the contributions of many individuals, first the authors themselves, who, not only made presentations at the conference and then wrote papers, but also submitted to a rigorous process of review and editing in order to prepare their manuscripts for publication. We would also like to thank the various groups who assisted with this important process. This includes the reviewers who evaluated the submissions, content editors who worked with authors on revisions, and copy editors who proofread manuscripts for final publication. Not only did many of these contributors do more than what was expected of them, many also contributed in more than one area. Their commitment and professionalism is very much appreciated. 

Also, we would like to extend a special thank you to Peter Clements, who has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Postconference Publication for several years. Although Peter is no longer in that role, he has remained in contact with the PCP Editorial Team, offering valuable advice and guidance. We are grateful for his support.

Finally, we would like to thank the readers for looking into the PCP, as the excellent work represented here would have little meaning without an interested audience to extend the conversation. We hope that all of you, contributors and readers alike, will return for future conferences and issues of the PCP.

—Peter Ferguson and Rick Derrah 
Editors – JALT2021: Reflections and New Perspectives

Selected Papers

This section highlights three papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT editorial board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers.

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Dawn Lucovich
  • Publications Board Chair: Theron Muller


  • Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For Information:

  • JALT2021 Postconference Publication, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN

Cataloging Data:

  • P. Ferguson & R. Derrah (Eds.) JALT2021: Reflections and New Perspectives


  • 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
  • 1. Title August 2022 ISBN: 978-4-901352-68-0 JALT2021 Postconference Publication



by Frances J. Shiobara, Kobe Shoin Women’s University; Ran Niboshi, Kyoto Sangyo University
by Donal Rory Sean Banwell, Utsunomiya University; Joel David Neff, Utsunomiya University
by Jared Peo, Nanzan University; Niall Walsh, Aichi Prefectural University 
by Satsuki McNeill, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies; Gabriel T. Misaka, Nagiso Community Online (Pilot Program)
by Maiko Berger, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Tomoko Eto, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Kiyu Ito, Rikkyo University; Lucas Pignolet, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Benjamin Rentler, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Matt Sau
by Charu Gupta, Rikkyo University, Japan; Inna Dzabelova, Rikkyo University, Japan
by Larry Xethakis, Tokai University; Oliver Edwards, Sojo University; Mark Howarth, Sojo University
by Akierah Binns, Shizuoka Board of Education, Ito Shogyo High School, Japan; Samantha-Kaye Johnston, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Harvard University, United States of America, Curtin University, Australia
by J. Paul Marlowe, Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies; Mayumi Asaba, Kyoto Sangyo University, Faculty of Foreign Studies
by George Higginbotham, Eikei University of Hiroshima
by Tara McIlroy, Rikkyo University; Andrew Decker, Kansai University; Jared Michael Kubokawa, Aichi University; Iain Maloney, Sugiyama Jogakuen University; Li-hsin Tu, The University of Niigata Prefecture; Camilo Villanueva, Murray State Universit
by Sam Keith, Sugiyama Jogakuen University; Brian Cullen, Nagoya Institute of Technology
by Philip Head, Osaka Jogakuin University; Noriko Yamane, Hiroshima University
by Michael Delve, Kwansei Gakuin University; Jeff Broderick, Tokyo Denki University
by Yoshimi Ochiai, Ritsumeikan University
by Shusaku Nakayama, Meiji Gakuin University
by Jacob B. Petersen, Iwate University; Daniel Newbury, Fuji University; Natsumi Onaka, Iwate University
by Paul Collett, Shimonoseki City University
by Natasha Hashimoto, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University
by Yuki Otsuki, Meiji University Graduate Student
by Bradford J. Lee, Fukui University of Technology; Justin L. Bailey, Fukui University of Technology
by Quenby Hoffman Aoki, Rikkyo University; Anna Walker, University of Nottingham; Carey Finn, Tamagawa Gakuen (Secondary Division); Jackson Koon Yat Lee, Toyo University
by Phil Bennett, University of Niigata Prefecture