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Charu Gupta, Rikkyo University, Japan; Inna Dzabelova, Rikkyo University, Japan

Reference Data

Gupta, C., & Dzabelova, I. (2022). Self-Assessment through reflection. In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah (Eds.), Reflections and New Perspectives. JALT. 


This study aims to observe the benefits of reflective practices for corrective feedback in the classroom through examining qualitative and quantitative data. It is a study that focuses on how students reflect on their performance in discussion tests, and if they can “notice” their errors in accordance with the test and course aims. Students were asked to reflect on their performance after watching the videos of their discussion tests and answer certain questions. The purpose was to have a “focused” reflection wherein students were asked to consider the aims of the test (e.g.: use of target discussion skills). In the final prompt, a question was added to elicit and understand students’ perceptions of this task. Most participants found reflection to be helpful in noticing their strengths and weaknesses. The final survey also demonstrated a mostly positive attitude toward the task.
