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Maiko Berger, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Tomoko Eto, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Kiyu Ito, Rikkyo University; Lucas Pignolet, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Benjamin Rentler, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University; Matt Sau

Reference Data:

Berger, M., Eto, T., Itoi, K., Pignolet, L., Rentler, B. & Saunders, M. (2022). Cultivating autonomous learning with a language learning strategy database. In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah (Eds.), Reflections and New Perspectives. JALT. 

This paper is based on a forum presentation that showcased independent learning in a university English program, language learning strategies (LLS) database development, and an opinion survey of database users. Studies have shown that successful Japanese English learners utilize a variety of LLS. One of the main learning goals of the English program is to foster students’ ability to set and achieve goals for their English study, including the creation and implementation of personalized independent learning (IL) plans. To assist students in developing autonomous learning skills, the authors aimed to identify effective LLS for a range of English goals and make them available for students to choose from through an online database. Results from a survey (n=73) indicated that students found the website easy to use and beneficial for their independent learning. Finally, the authors share the implications of this project and future directions for cultivating autonomous learners.     
