Reference Data:
Marlowe, J. P., & Asaba, M. (2022). A CAF perspective on L2 development through writing practice: An exploratory study. In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah (Eds.), Reflections and new perspectives. JALT.
Although complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) are considered important aspects of language proficiency, little is known about the role of different writing activities in developing components of L2 writing proficiency. Therefore, three groups who received regular targeted writing practice in either sentence-combining, translation, or timed-writing were compared over the course of one academic semester on measures of CAF. Three writing samples from each group were collected and statistically analyzed for quantitative measures of CAF. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with participants from each group to explore their perceptions of the tasks and the effect that tasks have on participants’ L2 writing effect on their L2 writing. The results of this exploratory study indicate that sentence-combining aids growth in complexity and that the timed-writing group significantly outperformed other groups in fluency, while growth in these areas seemed to diminish accuracy for all groups. These findings were confirmed by the qualitative data with implications for the use of these tasks for developing writing proficiency.