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Jared Peo, Nanzan University; Niall Walsh, Aichi Prefectural University 

Reference Data:

Peo. J., & Walsh, N. (2022). Japanese students’ reflections and perceptions on video screen capture feedback. In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah, (Eds.), Reflections and new perspectives. JALT. 


One area English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers struggle with is providing written corrective feedback (CF) to their students. Additionally, written CF often comes in for criticism from both teachers and students. For example, students complain it lacks quality, is too brief, and often ambiguous. Similarly, teachers are frustrated that written CF is either ignored or misinterpreted by students as recurring mistakes are frequently observed. Recently, an alternative form of multimodal feedback, video screen capture (VSC) feedback, that has the potential to address these criticisms has slowly been gaining attention. Integrating the Zoom and Google Classroom platforms to deliver VSC feedback, this study examined 50 Japanese university students’ attitudes towards this feedback method. Specifically, students were asked to identify the perceived benefits of written and VSC feedback and state their preference. The results indicate that a slight majority of students preferred VSC feedback.

EFL教員の主要な役割の一つに、学生への手書きの修正フィードバック(Corrective Feedback = CF)の提供が挙げられるが、残念ながら手書きのCFは、しばしば教員と学生の両方から批判を受ける。学生は手書きのCFが質と簡潔性に欠け、曖昧であることを不満に思う一方、教員は手書きのCFが、無視や勘違いをされて同じミスが繰り返されることに落胆する。近頃は代替案として、ビデオを用いたフィードバック(Video Screen Capture Feedback=VSCフィードバック)が、教員と学生の批判に対応する可能性を持つとして暫定的に注目を集めている。本研究はZoomとGoogle Classroomを用いて50人の日本人学生のVSCフィードバックに対する意見を調査した。具体的には、学生たちへ手書きとVSCフィードバックそれぞれの利点を識別し、どちらを好むか質問した。結果は若干多数の学生がVSCフィードバックを好むことが明らかになった。