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Ayumi Inako, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

Reference Data:

Inako, A. (2022). 二つの理論を活用したサマリーライティングの指導 (Dual theoretical approach to summary writing). In P. Ferguson, & R. Derrah (Eds.), Reflections and new perspectives. JALT. 



Summary writing is a common classroom activity aimed at confirming the understanding of contents in reading classrooms, but it is also a learning activity of its own in that students choose for themselves the main points from among the variety of information in the material. Students need skills and criteria to make such choices, and to this end, theory-based instruction is useful. In this paper, I present a case study that uses a combination of concepts from two theories, i.e. genre from systemic functional linguistics (SFL), which focuses on the social purpose of the text, and semantic wave from Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). which offers a scale of the degree of context dependency of the content. Through the stages of presentation of theoretical concepts, first-draft writing, teacher’s feedback, and student self-evaluation and revision, students have become more aware of the selection process. Making theoretical concepts accessible to students is the key.