JALT Postconference Publication - Issue 2022.1; August 2023

Volume: 2022
Date of publication: August 2023

JALT2022—Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice

jalt2022It is our pleasure to present the 2022 JALT Postconference Publication: Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice. The papers published in the PCP cover a range of topics, concerns, and experiences of the language teaching professionals who presented at the 2022 JALT International Conference in Fukuoka. 

It would not have been possible to publish the PCP without the contributions of many individuals. First the authors themselves, who, not only made presentations at the conference and then wrote papers, but also submitted to a rigorous process of review and editing in order to prepare their manuscripts for publication. We would also like to thank the people who volunteered their time and assisted with this important process. This includes the reviewers who evaluated the submissions, the content editors who worked with authors on revisions, and the copy editors who proofread manuscripts for final publication. Also, we would like to extend a special thank you to Malcolm Swanson, who does the layout design for the PCP. Many of these volunteers went above and beyond what was expected of them, with several individuals contributing to more than one area. Their commitment and professionalism are very much appreciated and we are grateful for their support. 

Finally, we would like to thank the readers for looking into the PCP, as the excellent work represented here would have little meaning without an interested and engaged audience to continue and expand the conversation. We hope that all of you, contributors and readers alike, will return for future conferences and issues of the PCP.

—Peter Ferguson, Bethany Lacy, and Rick Derrah 
Editors – JALT2022: Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice

Selected Papers

This section highlights four papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT Publication Board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers.

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Clare Kaneko
  • Publications Board Chair: Theron Muller


  • Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For Information:

  • JALT2022 Postconference Publication, JALT Central Office, Marunouchi Trust Tower Main Building, 20F, 1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 JAPAN

Cataloging Data:

  • P. Ferguson, B. Lacy, & R. Derrah (Eds.) Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice


  • 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
  • 1. Title August 2023 ISBN: 978-4-901352-71-0 JALT2022 Postconference Publication



by Howard Brown, University of Niigata Prefecture
by Jean-Pierre J. Richard, The University of Nagano
by Miriam T. Black, Toyo Eiwa University; Paul Underwood, Toyo Eiwa University; Magdalena Kolodziej, Toyo Eiwa University; Takeshi Kohno, Toyo Eiwa University
by Natasha Hashimoto, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University; Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo, Kwansei Gakuin University
by Frances Shiobara, Kobe Shoin Women’s University
by Anthony M. Diaz, Miyazaki International College
by Toshie Agawa, Phillip A. Bennett, Tomoko Hashimoto, Jo Mynard, Scott J. Shelton-Strong, Amelia Yarwood
by Leilani de Vera, Doshisha University
by Ania Delia Gonzalez Curiel, Bilingual Kids English School
by Akiko Kano, Sophia University Junior College Division; Timothy Gould, Sophia University Junior College Division; Atsuko Nakazawa, Sophia University Junior College Division
by Susan Bremner, Kwansei Gakuin Junior High School; Louisa Green, Kwansei Gakuin Junior High School
by Chie Kawashima, Tochigi Technical High School
by Chris Hastings, Aichi Prefectural University; Stephen Clarke, Nagoya College
by Naomi Sugahara, Kanda University of International Studies
by Adam Murray, University of the Ryukyus; Taiko Tsuchihira, Seitoku University
by Gordon Allan, Asia University; Stephen Bryden, Asia University
by Tara McIlroy, Rikkyo University; Jennifer Igawa, Meiji Gakuin University; Bethany Lacy, Juntendo University; John Maune, Hokusei University
by Matthew W. Turner, Tokyo University of Science; Matthew Y. Schaefer, Sophia University; Robert J. Lowe, Ochanomizu University
by Gregory Strong, Aoyama Gakuin University; Joseph V. Dias, Aoyama Gakuin University; Melvin Andrade, Sophia University Junior College Division; Mitsue Allen-Tamai, Aoyama Gakuin University
by Suwako Uehara, The University of Electro-Communications