Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
JALT Postconference Publication

JALT2019—Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency

jalt2019It is a pleasure to present the 2019 JALT Postconference Publication: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency. The papers published in the PCP take up a varied range of topics and issues related to language education in Japan and Asia. This year’s edition also provides an index of the breadth and depth of interest shown by the EFL professionals who have presented at the JALT International Conference

The PCP is made possible by the contributions of many individuals, starting with the authors themselves, who, besides making presentations at the conference and then writing papers based on them, also submit to a rigorous process of review and editing in order to prepare their work for publication. We also would like to thank the teams that have assisted with this process, including the reviewers who evaluated the submissions, content editors who worked with authors on revisions, and copy editors who proofread and checked manuscripts for final publication. Not only did many of these contributors go above and beyond what was expected of them, many also contributed in more than one area. Their dedication and professionalism is always much appreciated.

Finally, we would like to thank our readers, as the excellent work represented here would have little meaning without an interested audience to carry on the discussion. We hope that all of you, contributors and readers alike, will return for future conferences and issues of the PCP.

—Peter Clements, Aleda Krause, and Reginald Gentry 
Editors – JALT2019: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency

Selected Papers

This section highlights three papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT editorial board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers.

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Richmond Stroupe
  • Publications Board Chair: Caroline Handley


  • Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For information:

  • JALT2019 Postconference Publication, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN

Cataloging Data:

  • P. Clements, A. Krause, & R. Gentry (Eds.) JALT2019: Teacher Efficacy, Learner Agency


  • 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
  • 1. Title August 2020 ISBN: 978-4-901352-62-8 - JALT2019 Postconference Publication