Listed here are some of the more common queries directed to JALT Publications, along with detailed answers.

If you have other queries and questions you would like answered, please send them to the JALT Publications Board Chair.




Do I have to be a member of JALT to get JALT Publications?


While we would prefer that you join the organization, you can also subscribe to JALT publications for a rate that is slightly lower than a regular membership in JALT (which is ¥13,000 per year). Please contact the JALT Central Office TEL: 03-3837-1630 or FAX: 03-3837-1631. Remember that as a member of JALT, you qualify for discounts at JALT conferences and chapter events, as well as discounts on other JALT publishing projects like the Conference Proceedings and CD ROMs. Subscribers do not qualify for these discounts.

As a JALT member, do I have a right to publish in JALT's Publications?

You can make submissions to JALT publications, but there is no guarantee that your work will be published. Being a member of JALT does not give you the right to expect that anything you write must be published. JALT Journal and The Language Teacher are peer-reviewed, professional periodicals, and all main feature articles are anonymously rated for their relevance, quality, and accuracy by people who are qualified by advanced studies in language teaching as well as years of experience in teaching and writing.

How do I make submissions to JALT's publications?

Only JALT Journal and The Language Teacher consider open submissions. If you wish to submit articles, reports, or book reviews to either of these publications, please check their areas on this web site. TLT and JJ have different requirements, and submissions guidelines for each are available in their respective areas of this site.

Does my article have to be in English?

Not at all. The annual conference proceedings publishes in a wide range of languages. However, JALT's other publications generally publish articles only in English or Japanese. Please consult the submissions guidelines for each publication for more information. If you wish to publish an article in another language, please consult the editors.

Who do I contact if I have a complaint or problem?

If you cannot resolve your issue through contact with any publication editorial staff, you can directly contact the Publications Board Chair if you have any complaints concerning publication content or article submissions. Your comments will be given serious attention, though we cannot promise to resolve all problems.

If you have an issue concerning subscriptions, please contact the JALT Central Office through the contacts page on Your comments or complaints will be treated with confidentiality.

JALT Journal

How can I get the JALT Journal?

Subscriptions to JALT Journal and The Language Teacher are included in JALT membership. Subscriptions are also available for JJ and TLT. Further information on membership can be found on the JALT website or contact the JALT Central Office for details.

How can I get back issues of copies or articles?

You can order back issues of JALT Journal or copies of articles through the JALT Shop.

How do I submit a manuscript to JALT Journal?

Read the guidelines that can be found in each issue of JALT Journal and on this website. Once you have decided which section is appropriate for your manuscript, submit it to the designated editor following the format described in the guidelines.

What happens after I submit an article to JALT Journal?

First the editor notifies the author that the manuscript has been received.The editor then reads the manuscript to decide whether it is suitable for JALT Journal. Appropriate manuscripts are then sent out to two reviewers for a blind review. Authors will be notified whether or not their manuscript has been accepted within approximately two months.

What are my chances of having a manuscript accept for publication?

Slightly more than 10% of the manuscripts submitted for the main section of the journal are accepted.The best way to increase the likelihood of acceptance is to closely follow the JALT Journal guidelines for the section you are interested in. Particular attention should be focussed on including up-to-date references in your literature review, assuring that your research design is sound, and following APA format in preparing your manuscript. Remember JALT Journal aims to link theoretical and practical issues keeping the language educator in mind. You should also consider having a colleague read your manuscript before submitting.

What happens if my manuscript is rejected?

If there are no basic flaws in the design of the study, rewrite the manuscript carefully according to the reviewers' suggestions, show it to colleagues for feedback, and refine it further. Then try sending it to another journal. If there are basic design flaws, then treat it as a learning experience and conduct further research, making sure to address the design flaws that were identified so that the new research is publishable. All authors, even the most famous ones, have been rejected at one time or another. It's part of the professional development process.

What happens if I am asked to rewrite and resubmit my manuscript?

Rewrite it carefully following the instructions of the reviewers. It is also a good idea to show it to several colleagues to get more feedback.

Who holds the copyright to articles published in JALT Journal?
  1. JALT Journal (JALT) has First World Publication Rights, as defined by International Copyright Conventions, to the Work in question;
  2. all statutory rights in the copyright of the Work in question are retained by the Author(s);
  3. JALT reserves the right to reproduce the Work in JALT sponsored publications other than JALT Journal, but must notify the Author(s);
  4. to compensate for publication and other expenses, JALT will retain all proceeds of sale by JALT or other vendors of JALT-produced copies of the Work;
  5. the Author(s) may also have the Work reproduced in other publications without notifying JALT, but must ensure the following:
    1. the Work may not appear prior to publication in JALT Journal;
    2. the reproduced Work must bear the following credit:
      (This article) (A different version of this article) first appeared in JALT Journal, (volume[issue], date), published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
  6. JALT Journal (JALT) certifies and warrants that after publication of the Work, it releases to the Author(s) all rights except those reserved above, and that the Work will be copyrighted by the following legend, to be printed on JALT Journal's Table of Contents page:
    All materials in this publication are copyright (date) by their respective authors.

The Language Teacher

How can I receive The Language Teacher?

Subscriptions to The Language Teacher and JALT Journal are included in your JALT membership.
Institutional subscriptions are also available for JJ and TLT. Information on this can be found by going to the JALT website at or by contacting JALT's Central Office through the contacts link on JALTs' main website.

How can I get back issues of copies or articles?

You can find PDFs of most material published on this website. You can also order back issues of The Language Teacher or copies of articles through the JALT Shop.

How do I submit a manuscript to The Language Teacher?

Read the guidelines that can be found in each issue of The Language Teacher and on this website. Once you have decided which section is appropriate for your manuscript, submit it to the designated editor following the format described in the guidelines.

JALT Postconference Publication

Readers: How do I navigate around the files?

We have tried to make navigation as simple and consistent as possible. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Use the Contents page for each volume to access the articles. You can also read abstracts and other information by clicking the "Abstract" tab after each paper title.
  • Every article has a number of links on the front page. Clicking the ONLINE link will take you to the main menu from which you can access all information on the Proceedings.
Readers: What software do I need to read the Proceedings files?

The Conference Proceedings are created as PDF files, so you will need software capable of reading these files, such as Adobe Reader (available for free download from We recommend using the latest version of the software in order to enjoy the advanced features of these files.

Note that JALT offers no technical assistance with using PDF-capable software. If you are experiencing technical problems, please consult the manual that came with your software, the "Help" utility within the software, or contact the software maker.