This is the home for The Language Teacher, the bimonthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (全国語学教育学会). It publishes articles and other material related to language teaching, particularly in an Asian context. TLT also serves the important role of publicizing information about the organization and its many events.

A brief history

The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, was first published under that name in April, 1984 (though its roots go back further. For a more detailed history, this article will be of interest). Since then it has continued without a break, and until 2008 was the only monthly fully refereed language education journal in the world. In 2009, a decision was made to begin publishing TLT bimonthly in order to concentrate on offering more content online—particularly time sensitive material. Producing a publication of this quality and consistency is especially remarkable for the fact that the staff (almost 40 people, plus advisory board members) are ALL volunteers!

Between the covers

As well as Featured and Reader's Forum articles, TLT regularly runs special issue and conference related material. There are also regular columns each issue, including:

  • Book Reviews - Reviews of the latest in resources and materials
  • Conference Information - Updates on our annual international conference
  • JALT Focus - Notices, news, and information of interest to JALT members
  • My Share - Practical ideas for use in language classrooms
  • Old Grammarians - A little light relief at the end of every TLT
  • Recently Received - Listings of books and classroom materials available for review purposes
  • SIG Focus - News and information on JALT's many Special Interest Groups
  • Teaching Assistance - A column by teachers, for teachers
  • TLT Wired - Technical resources and information relevant to language teaching
  • Writers' Workshop - Guidance for writers just beginning in academic publishing
  • Young Learners - Help and advice for teachers of younger students

Almost all of the material published in TLT since 1996 is available on this website for JALT members and subscribers to use. We hope you enjoy this rich resource of practical and research material.

The editors and staff