Our bimonthly publication, The Language Teacher, hosts an occasional column, the Career Development Corner, offering JALT members information on job hunting in Japan. Please access the "Articles" link above to read past articles from this column.

Positions available

Listings of recent job advertisements can be found under "Job Listings." Note that this is a free service for institutions looking for staff, but neither JALT nor The Language Teacher endorse any of the positions advertised on this site.

To list a position on this website please use the form on the "Job Submissions" link above. There is no deadline for website job postings, which will be posted within a week of being received. All job postings to the Career Development Corner website and column are free of charge.


The editors oppose discriminatory language, policies, and employment practices, in accordance with Japanese and international law. Exclusions or requirements concerning gender, age, race, religion, or country of origin should be avoided in announcements in the column, unless there are legal requirements or other compelling reasons for such discrimination, and these reasons are clearly explained in the job announcement. The editors reserve the right to edit ads for clarity, and to return ads for rewriting if they do not comply with this policy.

TLT では、日本の法律、国際法および良識に従って、言語、政策および雇用慣習の差別に反対します。JICコラムでは性別、年齢、人種、宗教、出身国に関する、排除や要求はしません。そうした差別がなされる場合には、明確に説明されるべきです。編集者 は、明瞭に求人広告を編集し、かつこの方針に応じない場合には求人広告を棄却する権利を持ちます。

Other resources

Here are a variety of sites with information relevant to teaching in Japan:

For job postings: