JALT Journal: Assistant Editor

Due to an increase in high-quality submissions, JALT Journal is seeking a qualified researcher and educator to fill the newly established role of Assistant Editor. The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the entry-level position of Assistant Editor of JALT Journal. The Assistant Editor position is an official position on the JALT Publications Board and will be added to the masthead of the journal when the position is filled. The Assistant Editor will work with the Editor and Associate Editor to screen, select, edit, and finalize English-language content that appears in the journal. After being recommended by the JALT Publications Board and approved by the JALT Executive Board, the successful applicant will (ideally) serve as Assistant Editor for a period of two years with the current editorial team, before becoming Associate Editor for one to two years, then Editor for another one to two years after that. In addition to exemplary communication skills, a successful candidate will have the following: 

  1. Previous experiences as editor of/reviewer for academic research

  2. Ability to handle correspondence professionally and in a timely manner

  3. Ability to work collaboratively and meet publication deadlines

  4. A Ph.D. or Ed.D. in language education or related field, or have such a doctoral degree in progress.

  5. Seven or more years of language teaching experience

  6. A record of publications in competitive and refereed journals (in-house university-bulletin articles will be considered a part of a publishing record on their merits, but some of the applicant’s publications should include recognized, reputable and blind-reviewed journals at either the national or international levels). Information on either the impact factor or the acceptance rate for some of the journals in which the applicant has published would be helpful in determining the applicant’s ability to publish in competitive forums.

  7. Association with JALT through membership and previous participation in JALT publications are valued, but meritorious applications from non-members will also be considered provided that such applicants meet or exceed the above requirements. Note, however, that the successful applicant must become a JALT member if approved by the JALT Executive Board for the position.

Duties include processing English language submissions on the journal’s online submission portal, assisting in screening decisions, sending accepted manuscripts for external review, selecting or recommending qualified reviewers, communicating with authors and reviewers, working with authors to improve promising manuscripts, and assisting the Associate Editor and Editor as required. 

Candidates should submit the following application materials by email attachment. Recruiting will continue until the post is filled by a suitable candidate who is accepted by the Board under the expectations elaborated above (Points 1 through 7).

  • A current curriculum vitae, including a complete list of publications and educational background

  • A statement of purpose indicating your qualifications for taking on the role and why you would like to become Assistant Editor (and later Associate Editor/ Editor) 

  • PDF copies of a minimum of three, but no more than five, publications that represent your research agenda and area(s) of expertise. The publications should be recently published with one or two having been published within the past 5 years

Application materials should be sent to both the Publications Board Chair, Dr. Theron Muller (jaltpubs.pubchair@jalt.org), and the current Editor, Dr. Dennis Koyama (jaltpubs.jj.ed.@jalt.org).

Applicants will be notified if they have passed the screening stage. After that, the JALT Publications Board will recommend a finalist to the JALT Executive Board for their approval. The finalist will be notified of the result by the Editor via the email address used to submit their application materials. 


JALT Publications Website Editor

The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the position of Website Editor. Responsibilities include:

  • Uploading recent issues of TLT and JJ to the main JALT site
  • Uploading issues of TLTJJ, and the Postconference Publication to this website
  • Ongoing conversion of old material to this site's database
  • Maintaining and updating the site's Drupal installation
  • Maintaining and updating the site's Open Journal System installation
  • Overseeing the site's email and mailing list functions, including spam protection
  • Overseeing file uploads by publications staff
  • Liaising with editorial staff of all publications and responding to issues
  • Uploading and overseeing "Job Position" advertisements
  • Liaising with the JALT web editor and JALT Central Office
  • Overseeing the JALT Publications' Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • Attending the annual meeting of the JALT Publications Board

Full training and support will be given, though a background in running a website (PHP, MySQL, Drupal) would be necessary. If you are interested, please contact the Publications Board Chair at <http://jalt-publications.org/contact>. For further information, please contact the current Web Admin at the same URL.