Information on volunteer staff positions for JALT Publications will be listed here when as openings arise.

Co-Editor Position Open at The Language Teacher

The Language Teacher is now accepting applications for a new Co-Editor to work as part of a three-person editorial team. This team manages production of our peer-reviewed Feature Article and Readers' Forum sections, handling manuscripts through review, copy editing, and proofreading. Other responsibilities include medium- and long-term strategic publication planning as well as attendance at an annual JALT Publications Board meeting along with a small number of meetings, presentations, and workshops at the annual JALT International Conference, for which fee waivers are available. The average time commitment for fulfilling these responsibilities is approximately two to four hours per week.

TLT editorial team membership offers numerous opportunities for both personal and professional development. Working with authors, reviewers, and the TLT production team can help to further develop academic writing and editing skills. Coordinating the efforts of our all-volunteer staff is an excellent opportunity to develop team management skills. Finally, serving on the TLT editorial team brings you into closer contact with the entire JALT membership and its leadership, providing a prime opportunity for networking.

This position entails a three-year commitment: two years as Co-Editor and then an additional year as Senior Editor. Interested applicants should submit a full CV and letter of application to the JALT Publications Board Chair, Theron Muller, who can be contacted through our website's contact form.

JALT Journal: Japanese Associate Editor

The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the position of Japanese Associate Editor of JALT Journal. The Japanese Associate Editor will work with the Japanese Editor to produce the Japanese content that appears in the journal. After being recommended by the Publications Board and approved by the JALT Executive Board, the successful applicant will serve as Japanese Associate Editor for a mutually decided period of time with the current editor, before serving as Japanese Editor for 1 to 2 years. In addition to good English skills, a successful candidate will have the following: 

  1. Previous editorial/referee experience.
  2. Ability to meet deadlines and handle correspondence professionally.
  3. A sound background in language education or a related field.
  4. A master’s degree or higher in language education or related field.
  5. Seven or more years of language teaching experience. 
  6. A record of publications in competitive and refereed journals (in-house university-bulletin articles will be considered a part of a publishing record on their merits, but some of the applicant’s publications should include recognized, reputable and anonymously-refereed journals at either the national or international levels). Information on either the impact factor or the acceptance rate for some of the journals in which the applicant has published would be helpful in determining the applicant’s own ability to publish in competitive forums.
  7. Association with JALT through membership and previous participation in publications are valued, but meritorious applications from non-members will also be considered provided that such applicants meet or exceed the above requirements. The applicant must become a JALT member if selected by the Board for the position.

Duties include processing Japanese language submissions, sending them out for review, communicating with authors and reviewers, working with authors to help them improve promising manuscripts, and assisting the Japanese Editor as required. 
Candidates should submit the following application materials by email attachment. Recruiting will continue until the post is filled by a suitable candidate who is acceptable to the Board under the expectations elaborated above (Points 1 through 7).

  1. A curriculum vitae, including a complete list of publications
  2. A statement of purpose indicating both why you would like to become Associate Editor (and later advance to Editor) and your qualifications
  3. Copies of five publications of which some should be recent

Application materials should be sent to both the Publications Board Chair, Caroline Handley (, and the current Japanese Editor, Yo In’nami (
Applicants will be notified if they have passed the screening stage. After that, the final Board decision, which is subject to approval by the JALT Executive Board, will be made.


JALT出版委員会は、JALT Journalの日本語部門副編集長を募集します。日本語部門編集長と協力し、ジャーナルに掲載される日本語のコンテンツを作成します。出版委員会の推薦を受け、JALT理事会の承認を得た後、候補者は現編集長と合意の上で取り決められた期間、日本語部門副編集長を務めます。その後、1~2年間の任期予定で、日本語編集長を務めます。優れた英語力に加え、以下の条件を満たすことが望まれます。

  1. 学術誌や学術原稿の編集・査読の経験
  2. 締め切りを守り、専門家としてやり取りする能力
  3. 言語教育または関連分野における豊かな経験
  4. 言語教育または関連分野の修士号以上
  5. 7年以上の言語教育の経験
  6. 採択率が低い査読付きジャーナルへの掲載歴(大学紀要論文は内容に基づき評価するため、掲載歴に含んで構いません。ただし、候補者の出版物には、国内誌または国際誌で認知度が高く、著名であり、匿名で査読が行われるジャーナルへの掲載歴を含む必要があります)。ジャーナルのインパクトファクターまたは採択率に関する情報は、競争の激しい分野での候補者自身の出版能力を判断するのに役立ちます。
  7. JALT会員であることや、JALT出版物への掲載歴は重要ですが、JALT会員以外の一般の方からの応募も、上記の要件を(十分に)満たす限りは考慮されます。候補者は、理事会で承認された場合、JALT会員になる必要があります。


  1. 今までの出版物全てを掲載した履歴書(英文)
  2. 日本語部門副編集長を務めることを希望する(そして後に日本語部門編集長を務めることを希望する)理由と、あなたがふさわしいことの説明が書かれた文書(共に英文)
  3. 最近のものを含む5つの出版物

 応募書類は、出版委員会の議長であるCaroline Handley(と日本語部門の現編集長であるYo In’nami(の両方に送信ください。

Postconference Publication : Co-Editor

The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the position of Co-Editor for the JALT Postconference Publication(PCP). Responsibilities include maintaining a list of available copyeditors (including ongoing recruiting efforts); coordinating proofreading, copyediting, and layout of all papers; and assisting the Editor-in-Chief in making final decisions about submissions. The Co-Editor also coordinates with the two other editors of the PCP on any miscellaneous issues that arise. The workload varies throughout the annual publication cycle. It typically averages 6-7 hours per week during the peak period April through June, around 2 hours per week from July through August, and quite a bit less than that at all other times. PCP Editors are also invited to the Publications Board annual meeting in the fall and the JALT Conference in the fall, for which assistance is provided. If you are interested, please contact the Editor at

JALT Publications Website Editor

The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the position of Website Editor. Responsibilities include:

  • Uploading recent issues of TLT and JJ to the main JALT site
  • Uploading issues of TLT, JJ, and the Postconference Publication to this website
  • Ongoing conversion of old material to this site's database
  • Maintaining and updating the site's Drupal installation
  • Maintaining and updating the site's Open Journal System installation
  • Overseeing the site's email and mailing list functions, including spam protection
  • Overseeing file uploads by publications staff
  • Liaising with editorial staff of all publications and responding to issues
  • Uploading and overseeing "Job Position" advertisements
  • Liaising with the JALT web editor and JALT Central Office
  • Overseeing the JALT Publications' Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • Attending the annual meeting of the JALT Publications Board

Full training and support will be given, though a background in running a website (PHP, MySQL, Drupal) would be necessary. If you are interested, please contact the Publications Board Chair at <>. For further information, please contact the current Web Admin at the same URL.

Postconference Publication : Reviews Editor

The JALT Publications Board invites applications for the position of Reviews Editor for the JALT Postconference Publication (PCP). The main responsibility for this position is to communicate with the team of reviewers who provide feedback on submissions. The Reviews Editor is responsible for checking who is available to serve on the reviews team each year and for running the online system that assigns papers to reviewers. The Reviews Editor also coordinates with the other editors of the PCP on any matters that arise.

  • Workload: 2-3 hours (total) during the fall to prepare the website and contact reviewers and up to 30 minutes per day during the review period (January to March) to oversee the reviews system.
  • Submissions: If you are interested, please contact the PCP Reviews Editor at <>.
  • Deadline: Ongoing until filled.

The Language Teacher : Copyeditors, Proofreaders, Column Editors

The Language Teacher is constantly seeking qualified candidates for positions of copyeditor, proofreader, or column editor. Applicants must be JALT members and have the knowledge, skills, and reliability to contribute to the production of a bi-monthly published academic publication. Previous experience in publications is an asset. Knowledge of JALT publications is desirable. Applicants must also have regular access to a computer with email and word processing capabilities.

The positions of copyeditor and proofreader require several hours of concentrated work every other month that consists of finding and fixing errors. Training by the Assistant Editor will be provided, and mentoring from current team members will also be available. Interested applicants should contact the Editors through the Contact page above. To apply for a column editorship, contact the current column editor directly at the email address found in each issue of TLT or through the Contact page above. Column editors can work at their own pace and are responsible for producing up to six columns per year.