JALT2009 Proceedings Contents Listing
Here are the articles available in the JALT2009 Conference Proceedings. They have been divided into 9 categories as listed below. Clicking the title will take you to the PDF file for that article.
| Issues in the profession | The learner | The language | Approaches to instruction |
| Teaching with technology | Of global importance for learners and teachers | Reading and writing |
| Testing and evaluation | Teaching languages other than English |
JALT2009 Plenary Speaker article
- Perspective taking
—Christine Pearson Casanave, JALT2009 Plenary Speaker
Issues in the profession
- Curriculum Renewal: Elective English classes
—Kim Bradford-Watts Salem K. Hicks - Defining the Effective English Language Teacher: Students and Teachers' Perspectives
—Saovapa Wichadee - English education in elementary schools: Team teaching approaches
—Ethel Ogane Hitomi Sakamoto Harry Carley Darryl Sumida Rick Bales - Getting university students lecture ready
—Robert Higgins Raymond Wong - GILE SIG COLLOQUIUM Global Education and EFL: Mirror or Window
—Jane Nakagawa Greg Goodmacher Masataka Kasai Albie Sharpe Craig Smith - Taking action on professional development
—David Bollen Simon Cooke Ben Fenton-Smith Damian Rivers Rachael Ruegg
The learner
- A Qualitative Study on Demotivating Factors
—Shuji Tsumura - Bilingual cognition : How can English be acquired cognitively in Japan?
—Chise Kasai Megumi Hasebe Akina Okada Hajime Akutsu - Educating trilingual children: Two case studies.
—Tim Knowles - Japan Association of Self-Access Learning (JASAL) Forum: Dialogue in self-access learning
—Jo Mynard Diego Navarro - Japanese-English bilingual children's perspective
—Masae Takeuchi - Learner coping strategies for foreign language anxiety
—Keiko Iizuka - Looking in the mirror pre and post study abroad
—Gregory King Miki Ueda Tamie Watanabe - Metacognition over learning attitudes in EFL learning
—Tomoaki Miyamoto - Metalinguistic knowledge of low-proficiency university EFL learners
—Miki Tokunaga - Promoting Autonomy through Materials Design
—Matthew Kershaw Jo Mynard Christopher Stillwell Marc Sakaguchi Kentoku Yamamoto - Reflective self-study: fostering learner autonomy
—Junko Noguchi McCarthy Tanya - Research notes on non-native speaker to non-native speaker negotiation
—Troy Miller - Study logs as an ESL/EFL motivational tool?
—Danny Minn - Understanding motivational changes in EFL classrooms
—Ryo Nitta Ryoko Asano - Who are we teaching? Good language learners?
—Joseph Siegel
The language
- Backchannel: a feature of Japanese English
—Saya Ike - Japanese learners' refusal and apology problems: A pilot study
—Naoko Osuka - Japanese Students' Perception of American English
—Tetsuya Fukuda - The influence of pictures and text on task performance
—Paul Leeming Max Praver Andrew Atkins
Approaches to instruction
- A tool for minimizing L1 interference in pronunciation in the Japanese EFL classroom
—Najma Janjua - Benefits of using an "immediate Chinese" approach
—Shu-Ju Chen - Building on your book: Vocabulary activities to enhance your textbook
—Dale Brown - Content-based elementary school English: Growing morning glories and soybeans
—Machiko Fujiwara Chizuko Aiba Brian Byrd - Creating a Real Context of English Use in EFL
—Chiaki Iwai Carol Rinnert - Effective content/language integrated teaching at high school
—Calum Adamson - Enhancing EFL discussions and presentations using portable visual aids
—Jean-Pierre Chretien Ellen Scattergood - Exploring teacher talk: Just listen to yourself
—Jason Peppard - FLP SIG Forum ― use of can do statements
—Fergus O’Dwyer Naoyuki Naganuma Satoshi Atobe Noriko Nagai Yoko Sato - Fostering autonomy: A matter of choice
—Apiwan Nuangpolmak - Graded Liberal Arts and Sciences for Language Education
—Joseph Poulshock Joseph Poulshock Joseph Poulshock Joseph Poulshock Joseph Poulshock - Language through Tunes, Lyrics, and Technology
—Mayumi Asaba J. Paul Marlowe - Let's Try Cooperative Learning Group Projects!
—Kumiko Fushino - Loop it! Student Participatory Research
—Joseph Falout Tim Murphey - Points for behavior: The teacher in the mirror
—Richard Silver Satoko Ito William W. Baber - Rhythm, music, and young learners: A winning combination
—Laurie A. Thain - Sharing reflections: Enhancing learners' experiences of self-directed learning
—Katherine Thornton - Showcasing faculty role models for learners
—Howard Brown - Task sequencing based on the Cognition Hypothesis
—Rick Romanko Miyuki Nakatsugawa - Teaching for Understanding: Preparing Students for the 21st Century World
—Qin Jiang Robert Murphy - The effect of task repetition on learner motivation
—Martin Hawkes - Transforming textbook activities into successful tasks
—Paul Wicking - Using communication strategies in class
—Joseph Wood
Teaching with technology
- Blended learning spaces: Patterns of use
—Dirk MacKenzie Lara Promnitz-Hayashi Daniel Jenks Joe Geluso Roman Delgado - Effectiveness of an Online Weekly Journal using Blogs
—Ayumi Uchida - Learning to run: Possibilities of scrolling text
—Joseph Tomei William Perry - Online Multifunctional Grade Book for Busy Teachers
—Raymond Wong Nathan Krug Frank Tucker Patrick Rates - Practical uses of Moodle for the non-tech teacher
—Craig Gamble
Of global importance for learners and teachers
- Critical consciousness raising in Japanese university EFL classes
—Scott Stillar - Ethical ELT: Teaching English as a unifying language
—Maggie Lieb - Global citizenship education and language learning
—Salem K. Hicks - Mirror effects: Biculturalism in Japanese schools
—Sandra Healy - Teacher/Student Perception Gap in Online Learning
—Terumi Miyazoe Masayo Saeki Rab Paterson - Teaching-learning dialogue: Sharing ideas and resources
—Robert H. Taferner Jim Ronald Hitomi Sakamoto Philip Shigeo Brown Craig Manning Jennifer Yphantides Naoko Harada Tim Grose
Reading and writing
- Learners Helping Learners in an EFL Writing Center
—George Hays - Rethinking Error Feedback on L2 Writing
—Katie Shih-Yin Deng - Ten native checkers and one English abstract
—Ian Willey Kimie Tanimoto - The effect of anonymity in peer review
—Matthew Coomber Richard Silver - The impact of a 4-year extensive reading program
—Hitoshi Nishizawa Takayoshi Yoshioka Momoyo Fukada - The measurement problem in extensive reading: Students' attitudes
—Mark Brierley David Ruzicka Tomonori Wakasugi Hiroki Sato - Thematic structure analysis of Japanese advanced EFL college student writing
—Keiko Kawaguchi Hiroko Haenouchi Sonoko Ichinose - Timed reading: Increasing reading speed and fluency
—Andrew Atkins - Treatment of errors in an EFL writing course
—Fumiko Yoshimura - Who wants feedback and does it make any difference?
—Rachael Ruegg - Writing Centers and Tutoring in Japan and Asia
—Scott Johnston Hiroko Yoshida Steve Cornwell - Writing creatively in a foreign language.
—Jon Watkins
Testing and evaluation
- Measuring the lexical challenge of TOEIC Bridge
—Raymond Stubbe - Review on supplementary English Grammar Program
—Taoka Harada Takehiro Hashimoto - The effectiveness of retrospective interviews in L2 word association tests
—Christopher Wharton - Vocabulary size, TOEIC scores and testwiseness
—Masaya Kanzaki
Teaching languages other than English
- Content-based instruction for OLE: The French Forum
—Ernesto Hernandez - El uso de la mnemotecnia en los estudiantes japoneses
—María Fernández - Floor-holding/retrieving strategies by non-native speakers of Chinese: Discourse analysis informing Chinese-language pedagogy.
—Yoichi Sato - Lexical sets in beginners' second foreign language German learning
—Rudolf Reinelt - Literatura en ELE: como contenido y recurso
—Cecilia Silva Paula Letelier - Pronunciation difficulties for Japanese learners of French
—Marie-Emilie Masson - Why stop studying Japanese? A case in Australia
—Barbara Northwood Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson