Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the November/December 2016 issue of TLT. First, allow me to introduce myself. I have worked in Kochi city for the past six years, first as an ALT with the JET Programme, and now as a university instructor. I have been involved with TLT for the past three years, first as a proofreader and then as a My Share column editor, an experience that has been very rewarding.

November brings us the 42nd Annual JALT International Conference, this year in Nagoya. For myself, this is one of the highlights of the year, full of interesting speakers, presentations, and chances to meet and exchange ideas with fellow teachers.

In this issue we have two Feature Articles dealing with Japanese high school students. In the first article, Japanese High School Students’ Attitudes Towards and Usage of Corrective Feedback On Their Written Work, David O’Flaherty examines the topic of teacher’s corrective feedback of students’ writing and makes several suggestions regarding how to get students to become more engaged with the process. Next, in University in English? Questions of Confidence, Jennifer Igawa and Douglas Forrester investigate why more students at a Japanese high school don’t apply for universities where English is the medium of instruction, despite their high school having a much higher than normal focus on English instruction.

Meanwhile, in our Readers’ Forum, Mitsue Tabata-Sandom explores the topic of reading with Richard Day in her interview titled, Learning the Core Concept of Extensive Reading from Richard Day.

Of course, don’t forget to check out the many informative and useful articles in the Praxis section. Here you can find fun classroom activities to try in your own classroom, as well as information about the latest in teaching technology, and advice concerning teaching challenges.

For anyone attending the conference, please stop by the JALT Publications booth and say hi—we love meeting our readers. We are also always looking for new volunteers to join our team, and we can provide training and opportunities to increase your skills and experience as a copyeditor, proofreader, column editor, or reader.

Finally, as this is the last issue of the year, it is time to say goodbye to our senior coeditor, John Roberts. Thank you very much for your hard work and support of this publication and its staff.

Philip Head, TLT Editor


TLT2016年最終の11/12月号にようこそ。まず、自己紹介にて失礼致します。私は高知市のALTを経て現在は大学で教鞭を取っています。TLTに関しては、この3年間のTLT校正者とMy Share column editorの経験が私には貴重な自己研修になっています。


Feature Articleには2本の論文を掲載しています。Japanese High School Students’ Attitudes Towards and Usage of Corrective Feedback On Their Written Work では、David O’Flahertyが日本の高校生の英作文指導に修正フィードバック(corrective feedback)を試みながら英作文の改善過程の研究をし、生徒をもっと深くライティングの課程に関わらせる方法を述べます。次に、Jennifer Igawa and Douglas Forresterが、University in English? Questions of Confidenceの中で、日本のある高校の生徒たちは、他の高校に比べて英語の指導に重点的に取り組んでいるにもかかわらず、なぜ英語だけで授業をする大学にもっと志願しないのかを調査します。

Readers’ Forum のLearning the Core Concept of Extensive Reading from Richard Dayでは、Mitsue Tabata-SandomがRichard Day にインタビューし、多読 の中心になる概念を探求します。

他にも授業指導に役立つ助言など満載のPraxis section や最後のScott Gardnerの面白いアイデアなどお楽しみください。

年次大会に参加される方は、JALT Publicationsブースにお立ち寄りください。読者の皆さんと話せるのを楽しみにしています。また、JALTの編集に協力できる方を募集していますので、どうぞお声をおかけください。編集作業の訓練も準備されております。

最後に、共同編集長John Robertsの退任に際し、編集への貢献とスタッフへの気配りに感謝の意を表します。

Philip Head, TLT Editor