Page No.: 
David O’Flaherty

The correcting of errors in L2 writing is a problematic task for teachers. A lack of consistent research evidence supporting a given method of corrective feedback, or even the extent to which errors should be corrected, means that teachers are often left to make judgments on what method and focus are best for their students. It is, therefore, important to understand how students interact with the corrective feedback they receive. This study looked at Japanese high school students’ attitudes towards and use of corrective feedback on their written work. Findings suggest that while students felt their teacher should provide extensive corrective feedback and that this feedback had helped them in their written English, their actual usage of the feedback they received was very passive. It is argued that beyond solely providing corrective feedback on students’ writing, high school teachers need to ensure their students actively engage with the feedback they receive. The article concludes with some suggestions for achieving this in the context of a Japanese high school writing course.

