2016年第2回総会開催通知 Notice of the Second 2016 JALT Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)

  • 日時:2016年11月27日(日)
  • Date: November 27, 2016 (Sunday)
  • 時間:17:45 – 18:45
  • Time: 5:45 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
  • 場所:愛知県産業労働センター「ウインクあいち」、大ホール3階
  • Location: Main Hall 3F, Aichi Industry & Labor Center “WINC AICHI”

議案 / Agenda:

  • 第1号議案 議長選出 / Item 1. Appointment of Chairperson
  • 第2号議案 議事録署名人選出 / Item 2. Determination of Signatories
  • 第3号議案 平成28年度理事選挙の結果 / Item 3. Results of the 2016 National Officer Elections
  • 第4号議案 その他の重要事項 / Item 4. Other Important Issues


*An email containing details of the agenda and a link to an individualized ballot will be sent to you during the first week of November.





When you receive this email, please follow the instructions on how to complete the absentee ballot. It is important for us to have a majority of JALT members present at the OGM for it to be valid, and holding a valid OGM is necessary for us to maintain our status as a nonprofit organization (NPO). Fortunately, you can vote online by absentee ballot and be counted present for the meeting, as per the JALT Constitution.

Thank you very much for being a member of JALT and for your continued support.

New Associate Members (AM)

iJapan, Co.Ltd.

iJapan, Co. Ltd. is a member of iGroup (Asia Pacific Limited). iGroup was established in 1983, operating throughout the Asia Pacific region, and it is the largest information provider in the region. We work closely with many international well-known publishers, covering medicine, science, social sciences, management sciences, education, and other subject fields.

Our Products and Services

  • Re-selling e-Journals, eBooks & Databases (Science, Nature, ACS, ASME, and so on)
  • Publishing (Business Expert Press (USA) / Momentum Press (USA), iG Press (BKK)
  • Library Automation (RFID)
  • Re-selling Academic Plagiarism Detector (turnitin, iThenticate) 


Eigo Live, LLC

www.eigolive.jp is a new and exciting e-learning system that improves students’ English ability more effectively than any other system available in the market today, since it is based on human language acquisition neurological studies of the brain’s Broca area that proves the importance of listening to learn language.

Our extensive e-learning system provides an Evaluation Test to enable users to confirm the best level to start their studies, since the listening ability of Japanese students varies regardless of their reading ability or the number of years studying English. 

The curriculum is divided into beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert levels, and also offers TOEIC and TOEFL practice tests. Students can improve their ability quickly by studying a short time each day, using their PC, tablet, or smart phone anytime and anywhere.  We offer crash courses for students who have little time to study, to help them learn language skills required to work in restaurants, hotels, stores, transportation and more!

We also provide a convenient group management tool for teachers who want to control learners’ subscriptions and monitor their progress.

Free trials are available on request.  Please check our website: http://www.americanenglishlive.com/ for more information and contact bob_brown@eigolive.com for assistance.

エイゴライブの英会話は新しい脳神経科学の成果を取り入れた方式で、アメリカのシリコンバレー で開発された非常に効果がある方法です。英語会話の学習方法がすべて科学的です。


現在、学校向けに無料体験を提供しています。グループのユーザーを管理できるソフトが付いていて、先生がユーザーの購読や進行状況をモニターで確認できます。Bob BrownのEmail Bob_brown@eigolive.com にご連絡ください。詳しくはwww.eigolive.jpをご覧ください。