Extensive Reading is probably one of the hottest topics in the context of second and foreign language (L2) reading instruction (Iwahori, 2008). Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (Rodrigo, Krashen, & Gribbons, 2004) theoretically supports ER in which L2 learners’ reading development and motivation to read are nurtured by exposure to a large quantity of comprehensible and interesting input. Graded Readers (GRs), lexically and syntactically graded readers, form a core of such facilitative input in ER. In this interview, Professor Richard Day, the Founding Chair Emeritus of the world-wide leading Extensive Reading Foundation, talks about the fundamental concept of L2 reading instruction. Furthermore, he gives encouraging support and input to readers of The Language Teacher who have embarked on and want to start the practice of ER. Professor Day has been tirelessly promoting ER through L2 teacher education for many years.
November 2016
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Mitsue Tabata-Sandom, Massey University Auckland