JALT2023—Growth Mindset in Language Education
Dear PCP readers,
It has been an honor and a pleasure to work on this year’s Postconference Publication. We couldn’t have had a publication without all of the researchers and educators who trusted us with their manuscripts. I extend a round of applause to everyone who submitted their articles to the PCP this year. It takes dedication to start a research project. Not only did you all give presentations on your projects at JALT2023, but you also wrote drafts for the PCP. I commend your efforts.
We had a wide variety of chosen manuscripts this year, from articles about cutting edge technology in classrooms to different approaches to language teaching. With JALT2023’s theme of growth mindset, we had a high number of intriguing articles about critical thinking, learner autonomy, and global issues—each one with the purpose of exposing students to new perspectives and opening their minds. Whether you are interested in literature, technology, psychology, or any and all things language teaching, this year’s PCP has an article that you will enjoy.
The Postconference Publication has always been a team effort, and these wonderful articles would not be on your screen right now if it weren’t for the gargantuan effort of our PCP volunteers. Each article was reviewed by 2-3 volunteers who provided constructive, actionable feedback to everyone, including the authors whose submissions we could not accept this year. We also had a crew of content editors who worked diligently with each author to help them incorporate the advice from the reviewers and fine tune their manuscripts. Finally, our team of copyeditors dusted off their copies of APA 7 manuals and looked for any format issues according to the APA and PCP guidelines. The process of publication is long and time consuming, but we hope our team could make the arduous task more enjoyable for the authors.
I’d like to also extend my gratitude to you, the readers of this publication, whether you are reading it on publication day or years in the future. I hope you find inspiration, as I have, from reading some of these articles and decide to try a new research project of your own. I hope some of you will even cite these articles in your own research or collaborate with the authors because of the articles you read in the PCP. Isn’t that the beauty of academic conferences and publications? They offer inspiration and community that drive the field of education ever forward.
—Bethany Lacy
Editor – JALT2023: Growth Mindset in Language Education
Selected Papers
This section highlights three papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT Publication Board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers.
- Imagining a Career as a Language Teacher in Japan by Peter Clements, Shizuoka University
- An Investigation of IELTS and TOEFL iBT Score Compatibility by Masaya Kanzaki, Kanda University of International Studies
- Enhancing Student Feedback for Eiken Interviews through a Criterion-Referenced Framework by Tim Saito, Toyama College of Welfare Science
Copyright & Cataloguing Data
- JALT President: Clare Kaneko
- Publications Board Chair: Theron Muller
- Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.
For Information:
- JALT2023 Postconference Publication, JALT Central Office, Marunouchi Trust Tower Main Building, 20F, 1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 JAPAN
Cataloging Data:
- B. Lacy (Ed.) Growth Mindset in Language Education
- 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
- 1. Title August 2024 ISBN: 978-4-901352-73-4 JALT2023 Postconference Publication