On JALT2004: Language Learning for Life
The theme of the JALT2004 conference was Language Learning for Life. This volume celebrates the wide range of papers, workshops, demonstrations, and poster sessions on offer at the conference addressing language learning from childhood to the golden years, with a special emphasis on the evolving Japanese context.
Some of the papers in the Proceedings have been categorized according to whether they focus on issues of concern to the teacher, the learner, or the language. Papers addressing approaches to instruction have also been grouped together. Other categories include Teaching with Technology, Of Global Importance for Learners and Teachers, Reading and Writing, Testing and Evaluation, and Teaching Languages Other than English. The broad range of contributions reflects current issues and practice in the field of foreign language instruction as reflected by the conference concerns.
Here, in the most extensive Conference Proceedings published to date by the Japan Association of Language Teaching, are over 100 papers in which we hope you will find information and ideas to support and inspire you in your teaching and research. We also hope that this volume inspires further research by those involved in the language education of very young or elderly students, as well as those teaching in non-traditional or evolving contexts.
We owe our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring the Proceedings to press: Nigel Henry, Robert Betts, Robert Long, Robert Taferner, Scott Gardner, Theron Muller, Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska (Japanese Editor), and Michael Schart (German Editor), our Reading Committee, and, finally, the authors.
We look forward to Sharing our Stories in the Proceedings of the JALT2005 conference.
The Editors
Kim Bradford-Watts
Cecilia Ikeguchi
Malcolm Swanson
To view a full listing of the papers available in this Conference Proceedings, please go to the [ Contents page ].
- Content
- Kim Bradford-Watts
- Cecilia Ikeguchi
- Administrative
- Malcolm Swanson
Associate Editors
- Robert Betts
- Scott Gardner
- Nigel Henry
- Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska (Japanese Editor)
- Robert Long
- Theron Muller
- Michael Schart (German Editor)
- Robert Taferner
Design, Layout, and Web Editing
- Pukeko Graphics (Paul Collett & Malcolm Swanson)
Published by
The Japan Association for Language Teaching
August 2005
Tokyo, Japan
Copyright & Cataloguing Data
- JALT President: Steve Brown
- Publications Board Chair: Amanda O'Brien
Copyright © 2005 by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.
For information
JALT2004 Conference Proceedings, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN
Cataloging Data
Bradford-Watts, Ikeguchi, Swanson (eds.)
On JALT2004: Language Learning for Life
1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
1. Title
August 2005
ISBN: 4-901352-15-6 (JALT2004 Conference Proceedings)
Editorial Advisory Board for JALT2004 Conference Proceedings
- Mark Alberding - Asia University
- Lyle Allison - Okinawa Christian University
- Atsushi Asai - Daido Institute of Technology, Nagoya
- Paul Beaufait - The Prefectural University of Kumamoto
- Mark Brierley - Shinshu University
- Wade Carlton - Ibaraki University
- Robert Chartrand - Kurume University
- Torkil Christensen - Hokusei Gakuen University
- Steve Cornwell - Osaka Jogakuin College
- Brian Cullen - Nagoya Institute of Technology
- Paul Dessoir - Temple University Japan
- Justin Falkus - Kanda Gaigo Daigaku
- Scott Gardner - Okayama University
- Susan Gould - Chubu University
- Peter Gray - Hokusei Gakuen Daigaku
- Timothy Gutierrez - Ritsumeikan University
- Sarah Haas - Tottori University of Environmental Studies
- Marlen Harrison - Momoyama Gakuin University
- Neil Heffernan - Ritsumeikan University
- Yuri Hosoda - Kanagawa University
- David Hufford - JAL Academy
- Simon Humphries - Kinki University Technical College
- Yoko Ichiyama - Keio University
- Cecilia Ikeguchi - Tsukuba Gakuin University
- Brent Jones - Kobe Gakuin University
- Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska - Temple University Japan
- Patrick Kiernan - Tokyo Denki University
- Alain Lauffenburger - Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University
- Robert Long - Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Damian Lucantonio - University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
- Joyce Maeda - Tokyo International University
- Sean McAuley - Karatsu Nishi High School
- Steve McGuire - Nagoya University of Arts
- Mariko Miyao - Tsukuba Gakuin University
- Theron Muller - Noah Learning Center
- Sarah Mulvey
- Ron Murphy - Ehime University
- Ted O'Neill - Obirin University
- Andrew Obermeier - Kyoto University of Education
- Martin Pauly - Tsukuba College of Technology
- Jonathan D. Picken - Tsuda College
- Joseph Pielech - Temple University Japan
- Andrew Reimann - Utsunomiya University, Faculty of International Studies
- Lorraine Reinbold - Hakuoh University
- Carol Rinnert - Hiroshima City University
- Stephen M. Ryan - Eichi (Sapientia) University
- Kevin Ryan - Showa Women's University
- Chieko Sato - Ichinohe Town Board of Education
- Michael Schart - Keio University, Faculty of Law
- Eric M. Skier - Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
- Nozomu Sonda
- Lorraine Sorrell - Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
- Chris Storey - Kitakyushu University
- Michael Stout
- Kanto International High School
- Malcolm R. Swanson - Kyushu Junior College of Kinki University
- Christopher Weaver - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology