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Rob Hirschel, Sojo University; Elaine Wright, Sojo University; Gareth Humphreys, Sojo University; Rachelle Meilleur, Sojo University

In this study we examined an institution-wide trial of a commercially available online vocabulary recycling program. Participants were given a 30-item pretest before repeated instruction using the program. The same test instrument was administered again at the end of the semester as a posttest and a final time following the summer holidays as a delayed posttest. The tests revealed the extent of gains during use of the program as well as attrition occurring over the summer holidays. Participants completing at least 50 sessions of between 20 and 30 minutes over the course of a semester improved their test scores by about 30%. Equally important, participants demonstrated through survey results and through an in-class reflection activity that they found the program to be beneficial, helpful in developing vocabulary skills, and an important part of the course. The authors discuss challenges in implementing a new program along with interventions to help learners.
