JALT2013—Learning is a Lifelong Voyage: Conference Proceedings
We are very pleased to announce the publication of the JALT2013 Conference Proceedings (JCP). There are 72 papers, chosen from more than 90 submissions, with topics covering a wide range of topics in language education. This issue of JCP will add to the wealth of research and classroom practice by our colleagues in the EFL field who have presented at JALT international conferences.
Needless to say, we owe this achievement to the authors who contributed their work to JCP by conducting research, sharing that research at JALT2013, and writing their papers. We would also like to express our deep thanks to the reviewers who evaluated all the submissions and gave insightful advise, as well as to the content editors who worked diligently with the authors to revise and improve their submissions. Due to a relative shortage of editors this year, most of the content editors willingly accepted the job of editing more papers than they originally had agreed to edit. For this, we are extremely grateful. Finally, we want to thank the team of copy editors who checked the mechanical aspects of the papers and helped perfect them. This system was adopted last year and has worked quite well.
We are happy to announce that, this year, a specific section has been allocated to papers that were presented at JALT Junior, the JALT satellite conference for teachers of younger learners. We have also again included the section “Selected Papers,” which we initiated last year. This section highlights five papers of exceptional quality that were chosen through consultation with the JALT editorial board. We express our congratulations to these authors and our appreciation of their well-written papers. At the same time, we thank all the authors who contributed to JCP. The whole thing would not have been possible without the authors’ participation to begin with—colleagues whose teaching and research activities help to mold, shape, expand, and perfect our profession.
We hope that many of you will return to JCP and more will join us in 2015.
Nozomu Sonda and Aleda Krause
JALT2013 Conference Proceedings Editors-in-Chief
Selected Papers
Copyright & Cataloguing Data
- JALT Acting President: Nathan Furuya
- Publications Board Chair: Darren Lingley
- Copyright © by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.
For information:
- JALT2013 Conference Proceedings, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN
Cataloging Data:
- N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.) JALT2013: Learning is a Lifelong Voyage
- 1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
- 1. Title August 2014 ISBN: 978-4-901352-43-7 JALT2013 Conference Proceedings