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Kimiko Koseki, Denenchofu Futaba Junior and Senior High School

Kachru (1998) demonstrated that English is used in Asia mostly as a lingua franca between nonnative speakers. Japanese EFL students, however, usually hear only native speaker (NS) English on the recordings in their language classes and often have negative feelings towards nonnative speaker (NNS) English. I want to (a) promote the use of web videos in content-based EFL listening instruction to help alleviate these negative feelings and (b) report on L2 classroom practices at a Japanese high school. I developed materials intended to motivate students to study global issues and to help them become accustomed to listening to authentic English spoken by NSs and NNSs of English. The results from questionnaires showed that the students enjoyed studying global issues and listening to various speakers of English, but also felt difficulty in listening to NNSs’ English. Nevertheless, pretests and posttests revealed that their ability to understand NNSs’ English improved.
