In this month’s issue . . .
Hello, and let me be the first to welcome you to the final edition of The Language Teacher for 2017. We are now well into autumn and the 43rd JALT International Conference in Tsukuba is fast approaching. I am sure it will be as successful as all previous ones. I hope everyone managed to secure reservations for this event of the year!
This time of year sees many changes in nature. The autumn leaves give us one final moment of brilliance before dropping to and carpeting the earth in a blaze of colour. Soon we will also ring in the changes at New Year as 2017 makes way for 2018.
Here at JALT we are also experiencing some major changes. Sadly for me, I have to say goodbye to Philip Head. We worked together as coeditors of the My Share section before becoming coeditors of TLT. Phil will now work as TLT Advisor. His slot will be filled by Eric Martin whom I certainly look forward to working with over the coming months.
In this final issue of 2017 we begin with two Feature Articles. Gilbert Dizon starts with an article on Facebook versus paper-and-pencil writing. Gilbert compares Japanese students’ opinions of the two mediums. This is followed by Mohammad R. Hashemi and Raziye Eskandari’s interesting article on learning congruent and incongruent collocations through utilising dynamic assessment.
In the Readers’ Forum section of this issue, Diane Johnson, Keiko Umeda, and Kyoungja Oh provide a brief analysis of samples of Japanese and South Korean textbooks.
It might be a tad early, but also let me be the first to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and New Year when it arrives. I look forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing them in print in 2018. I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and peaceful year!
Gerry McLellan, TLT Coeditor
ここJALTでも、いくつか変わることがあります。大変残念ながら、TLT EditorのPhilip Headが退任します。私たちは以前、My Shareセクションの共同編集者として共に仕事し、その後TLTの共同編集者となりました。Philipは今後TLTアドバイザーとしての職に就き、後任はEric Martinが務めます。今後Ericと共に働けるのを楽しみにしております。
この2017年の最終号では、まず2本の論文が掲載されています。最初はMohammad R. HashemiとRaziye Eskandariによる、ダイナミックな評価を活用した連語の一致・不一致の学習に関する興味深い論文です。次に、Gilbert Dizonによる、Facebook上でのライティングと紙と筆記具によるライティングに関する論文があります。Gilbertは日本の学生にこの2つの媒体に対する意見を尋ね、それらを比較しています。
Readers’ Forumでは、Diane Johnson、Keiko Umeda、Kyoungja Ohが日本と韓国の教科書の例を簡潔に分析しています。
Gerry McLellan, TLT Coeditor