2017年第2回総会開催通知 / Notice of the Second 2017 JALT Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)

  • 日時:2017年11月19日(日) / Date: November 19, 2017 (Sunday)
  • 時間:17:40 – 18:40 / Time: 5:40 p.m. – 6:40 p.m.
  • 場所:つくば国際会議場「エポカルつくば」、中ホール300
  • Location: Convention Hall 300, Tsukuba International Congress Center “Epochal Tsukuba”

議案 / Agenda:

  • 第1号議案 議長選出 / Item 1. Appointment of Chairperson
  • 第2号議案 議事録署名人選出 / Item 2. Determination of Signatories
  • 第3号議案 監事選挙結果 / Item 3. Result of Auditor Election 
  • 第4号議案 その他の重要事項 / Item 4. Other Important Issues


*An email containing details of the agenda and a link to an individualized ballot will be sent to you in late October.





When you receive this email, please follow the instructions on how to complete the absentee ballot. It is important for us to have a majority of JALT members present at the OGM for it to be valid, and holding a valid OGM is necessary for us to maintain our status as a nonprofit organization (NPO). Fortunately, you can vote online by absentee ballot and be counted present for the meeting, as per the JALT Constitution.

Thank you very much for being a member of JALT and for your continued support.


New JALT Associate Members

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Language Centre • http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is the largest international collaborative university in China, and the Language Centre at XJTLU is quickly becoming one of the most significant university-level centres of its type globally. At present, the centre has over 180 full-time teaching staff delivering English, Spanish and Chinese language courses, as well as English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teacher training, with more languages to be added over the coming years. Located near to Shanghai in the historic city of Suzhou, XJTLU offers the chance to experience Suzhou’s multiple UNESCO world heritage sites first-hand, while also enjoying a high standard of living in one of China’s most developed regions.

  • Work with us
  • English, Spanish and Chinese language teaching positions available
  • Competitive salaries and attractive benefit packages
  • Study with us
  • Chinese language coursesEAP teacher training courses
  • English as a medium of instruction teacher training courses
  • More details: See http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn





  • 教員募集
  • 英語•スペイン語•中国語教員を募集
  • 学生募集
  • 中国語コース
  • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 教員教育コース
  • English as a medium of instruction 教員教育コース
  • 詳細: http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn

ESL Learning

ESL Learning was established in 2016 to promote Way To Go!, an effective ESL teaching and learning strategy. The developer of the strategy and author of the textbook, Cameron North, has been teaching English at universities in Aichi, Japan for over 28 years. Coupled with extensive second language studies in French and Japanese, Cameron truly believes in effective and supportive teaching methodologies.

Targeted for TOEIC levels 350-650, Way To Go! is a guided speaking and listening practice textbook and audio system that will effectively benefit both high school and university students. Using challenging yet attainable exercises, the textbook promotes a supportive atmosphere and full participation in the classroom. The complementary 12 hours of easy access online audio allows students to effectively study independently.  

We hope you share our objective of promoting an effective, supportive, attainable, and independent study-oriented teaching strategy for students.  When you come to Tsukuba, please visit our booth and join our presentation to more completely understand how the Way To Go! textbook and audio system can recognizably benefit your students.

ESL Learningは効果的なESLの教育・学習戦略であるWay To Go! を推進する為2016年設立。TOEIC350〜650をターゲット。高校、大学生に効果的に役立つガイド込スピーキング・リスニング練習用テキストブックとオーディオシステム。やりがいのある達成可能なエクササイズを使用しこのテキストブックによりサポートのある雰囲気と授業への参加を促進。簡単にアクセスできるオンラインオーディオで学生自身で効果的に学ぶことが可能。詳しくはつくば展示会にて。

For further information

Express Publishing


Express Publishing was established in 1988 with the purpose of raising the standards of English language teaching and is highly respected worldwide for producing a wide variety of innovative teaching materials, including course books, grammar books, exam materials, supplementary materials and readers, to meet the needs of students and teachers alike. The company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth with a current list of over 3500 titles and sales in over 90 countries; Express Publishing is recognised as one of the leading publishers worldwide.  

Throughout the last 30 years of operation, we have successfully managed to bridge the gap between technology and pedagogy and forge strategic partnerships with various publishers all over the world.