Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

41.1 TLTWelcome to the first issue of 2017! We at The Language Teacher trust everyone had a fantastic New Year’s Day with family and friends, and have had a good start to the year with high hopes. Last year, in 2016, we celebrated TLT’s 40th anniversary. We hope, in TLT’s 41st year, we will continue to be able to offer exciting and innovative articles to you all.

To begin with, we have two Featured Articles to satisfy your academic interests. The first article is by Yukie Saito, High School Teachers’ Cognition of the Policy of “English Classes in English,” and Their Classroom Practice. Drawing on Borg’s 2006 framework, the analysis of interview data shows that teachers’ professional experience of taking part in TEFL or TESOL courses, support from co-teachers, and their students’ positive responses affected the teachers’ cognition and classroom practice.

We then  proceed to Robyn Moloney with her article titled, Being a Kakehashi: A Case Study of the Link Between Teacher Beliefs and Student Engagement who investigates the effect of language teacher beliefs in shaping development of advanced student performance on a Japanese speech-writing task in the Australian senior secondary school context. 

For Readers’ Forum, Contrasting Motivational Characteristics of University Students With and Without Study-Abroad Interests: A Profile Analysis by Chika Kojima Takahashi examines motivational profiles of university students’ interest or disinterest in study abroad within the framework of self-determination theory. We suggest you also take a look at the columns in the JALT Praxis section of TLT, such as My Share and The Writers’ Workshop, for interesting and practical information.

We hope  you find the first issue of TLT in 2017 to be both academically and educationally stimulating. Without the help and dedication of TLT volunteers, we cannot deliver TLT to your mailbox smoothly. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to join us as we are always looking for motivated and reliable volunteers at TLT

Finally, on a behalf of the Japanese proofreaders and translators, we are sorry to report that Ms. Mihoko Inamori is leaving TLT. Her dedication as a Japanese language editor and translator has been much appreciated. Again, we wish you a very happy New Year!

Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor


まず、学術的興味を満たすような最初のFeatureは斎藤裕紀恵氏による『「英語の授業は英語で」に関する高校教師の認知調査と授業実践』です。Borg (2006)の枠組みを参考に分析した結果、教師のTEFLコース等の参加経験、同僚との支援体制、また生徒の肯定的な反応などが、教師の認知と授業実践に影響を与えていると述べています。

2つ目のFeatureは、Robyn Moloneyが Being a Kakehashi: A Case Study of the Link Between Teacher Beliefs and Student Engagement で、オーストラリアの高校で、言語教師の信念が、日本語のスピーチライティングの課題に取り組む語学学習上級者の運用能力向上にどのような影響を与えるか検証しています。

Readers’ Forumでは、留学に対する興味の有無に注目した大学生のL2動機づけプロフィール分析の中で、Chika Kojima Takahashiが自己決定理論およびL2セルフシステムの枠組みを使って、留学に興味のある大学生とそうでない大学生の動機づけに関する違いを調査しました。My Share やThe Writers’ Workshopなどを含んだJALT Praxisも興味深く実践的な情報を提供しておりますので是非ご覧になってください。



