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John Duplice, Asia University, Tokyo

I’m very happy to introduce a new column for TLT to start the new year, bringing you interviews with leading figures in language learning and education, conducted by people who share their professional interests. To kick start the new column we have an interview with Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, an expert on Mind, Brain, and Education and Multilingualism, conducted by John Duplice, a former distance student of Tracey’s at Harvard Extension School. From the next issue Torrin Shimono will be taking over as column editor, starting with interviews with the plenary speakers at JALT 2016. So if like us, you loved this year’s amazing plenaries, or if you were unfortunate enough to miss them, make sure you check out this column over the coming months. At TLT, we’re all very excited about the great interviews we have in store for you!

Caroline Handley

Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, PhD is the author of numerous books and papers on bilingualism and multilingualism; Mind, Brain, and Education; and classroom teaching practices. She teaches the course Neuroscience of Learning: An Introduction to Mind, Brain, Health, and Education at the Harvard University Extension School. More information about her work can be found at <>.