Board of Directors’ Election Results

The JALT Nominations and Elections Committee is pleased to announce the 2016 elections results: JALT’s new President is Richmond Stroupe, our Vice President is Naomi Fujishima, and our new Director of Membership is Fred Carruth. The new Program Director is Louise Ohashi, and our new Public Relations Director is Thomas Bieri. Our Director of Records is Maiko Katherine Nakano, the Treasury Director is Robert Chartrand, and JALT’s new Auditor is Joseph Tomei. Congratulations, everyone, and may you all have a wonderful two-year term!

Respectfully yours,

Christopher Philip Madden, NEC Chair

New JALT Associate Members

McLellan International

McLellan International specialises in arranging study tours to Scotland for university students and adults. Studying in Scotland offers your students a unique opportunity to study at one of the top universities in the world with full 24/7 support (summer time).

Our Unique Support System

Before your study tour: We visit your group/university and provide orientation prior to departure. This includes tips for staying in Scotland (in Japanese or English), English classes, and discussions to help plan the best course for your students.

During the tour: A support team of Scottish and Japanese nationals will be on-hand to help with any problems and provide support when needed. We also offer an extra curricular program and take students to sporting events, shopping tours and other cultural events such as the Edinburgh Arts Festival.


詳しくは HPまで / For more information visit our site at : or contact us at:

Global Stories Press

Global Stories Press quietly appeared on the EFL publishing scene in 2001 under the name “Karma Yoga Press.” The original materials, such as the Global Stories textbook, were global issues dealing with peace and justice, and the foundational aim was to donate all profits to charity (hence the name). For various reasons that name and business model were scrapped in favor of Global Stories Press which proceeded to introduce materials that deal with culture, geography, academic topics such as science and vocabulary acquisition, as well as refining its global issues series.

The inspiration for most GSP textbooks came from Ruth Wajnryb’s Oxford series book “Dictogloss” about a classroom activity also known as grammar dictation. If you like dictation, you should love GSP’s textbooks. Most utilize a picture story with corresponding sentences that students learn via a dictation-like activity. A unique series of scaffolded activities have been devised to introduce the content which is meant to educate and enlighten students. Via dictation-like activities, students learn about the world. Other unique and engaging activities and readings supplement the texts.

GSP invites students to use English to look out at many different countries and ways of thinking, learn facts about the world, and think critically about international events and interpersonal feelings. Write for details about our “funky but effective” EFL/ESL learning materials.