For those of you waiting in eager anticipation, I present the roster of candidates for this year’s NPO JALT national elections. Each candidate has much to offer our vibrant organization. Please take a few moments to read through the statements and show your support by casting your vote on the ballot postcard inserted in this issue. Drop it into your nearest post box as soon as you can. You needn’t wait until the final postmarked date, September 14, 2012. Do it now, before you take off for the summer holiday!
July 2012
Bernadette Luyckx, 2012 NEC Chair
ラウクス・バーナデッテ 2012年選挙管理委員長
Editor’s note: The following have been formatted somewhat (section titles, order of items), but not edited for content. This is to give you the best sense of what the candidates mean in their own words. After president and vice-president, the sections are ordered alphabetically by each candidate’s surname.
Statement of Purpose:
Over the years, JALT has been instrumental in the professional development of many thousands of teachers in Japan. If elected, my ultimate goals as President for the 2012-14 term would be to help JALT do an even better job of providing language teachers with opportunities for development, to transform the way JALT interacts with members, and to ensure that JALT retains its grassroots nature even as it standardizes and professionalizes its management processes.
In the past two years the Board of Directors has worked hard to not only manage JALT’s current activities, but also to make it possible for JALT volunteers to spend more time on creative collaboration and less time on pernicious paperwork. For example, we have had workshops for Chapter/SIG treasurers, membership chairs and publicity chairs at recent Executive Board meetings. By creating and documenting new, rationalized processes, and then training the officers who give so much of their time and energy for JALT and its good work, we have helped improve the quality of the services offered to JALT members and decreased the administrative burdens borne by our fleet of volunteers and our staff at JALT Central Office. It may not sound exciting, but reducing the time spent on administrative matters allows for more time to be devoted to creative work and, as a result, all will have a much better experience with and through JALT.
With the foundation we have laid in the past two years in place, I look forward to helping JALT reach its potential by involving more people in our important activities at the local and national levels so that we can work together to fulfill our ultimate mission of improving language education in Japan. Thank you.
Work Record:
Japan: Associate Professor, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (from 2008); Lecturer of Accounting, Meiji University Graduate School of Accountancy (from 2008); Lecturer of English at Tokyo University of Science (1995 - 2008) and Sophia University Community College (from 1991).
United States: Lecturer of Accounting, Loyola University of Chicago (1988-1991).
Education Record:
B.S., Accounting and Economics, Oklahoma State University
J.D., Loyola University of Chicago
JALT Service:
President, 2010-12; Director of Treasury, 2008-10; Tokyo Chapter Membership Chair, 2008-10; Internal Audit Coordinator, 2008; Financial Steering Committee Chair, 2007-08; Chapter Treasurer Liaison, 2006-07; Tokyo Chapter Treasurer, 2002-08.
々がこの2年間に築いた土台を基に、地方及び全国規模で、我々の重要な活動の中でより多くの方々と関わることによって、日本に於ける語学教育の発展の基本的任務を果たすために共に力を出せる様、 JALTが持っている潜在性を引き出す事に協力できるのを心待ちにしています。
日本:東京医科歯科大学(2008~)・准教授、明治大学大学院 会計専門職研究科(2008~)・非常勤講師、東京理科大学(1995~2008)/上智大学(1991~)・英語講師
Work Record
1985 - present: Associate Professor, Kansai Gaidai University-Hotani, Hirakata, Osaka
2002 - present: Part-time Lecturer, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University BKC, Shiga
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Teachers College, Columbia University
JALT Service
2002 Kyoto Chapter Vice–President
2003 Kyoto Chapter Vice-President/Program Chair
2003 Kyoto Chapter President-pro tem
2004 Kyoto Chapter President
2005 Kyoto Chapter President
2006 National Election Committee Assistant-Chair
2008 JALT Director of Membership
2010-present JALT National Vice President
Statement of Purpose
My term as Vice President of JALT National from 2010-2012 has provided me with an extensive understanding of our organization. The experience and knowledge gained during my first term as Vice President will enable me to better carry out the administrative responsibilities required of the office. I look forward to the challenges of the next two years as Vice President and humbly ask for your support.
私は長年、特定非営利活動法人全国語学教育学会の会員であり、さらにこの二年間は副理事を担当いたしました。これまでの職務で養われた経験や知識は副理事としての責務を成し遂げるために、また、JALT組織 (特定非営利活動法人全国語学教育学会)の健全な運営を実践するために有効であると思っております。
Statement of Purpose
In my JALT service blurb you can see that I have volunteered for a variety of positions since 1994 when I was asked to be conference handbook editor for the Nagoya Conference. The past two years serving as Director of Program have been full and rewarding! I have learned a lot and together with the conference team we have accomplished a lot. For example, in the area of programming, we have been able to do some long range planning for future JALT conferences, have set in place an online conference feedback system (that had over 400 responses),
It is an honor to have been nominated and if re-elected, I pledge to continue working on the strategic long-term program planning that has been begun. In addition to continuing long range planning, I would like to explore how JALT members might possibly be better served by the development of some “How to Present” workshops similar to the popular and useful “How to Publish” sessions that Publications has been doing for years. This is something that I was not able to do in the past two years. And I want to focus on supporting the month-to-month programming that chapters and SIGs work on throughout the year.
Ever since I first heard the Outward Bound motto, “To serve, to strive, and not to yield” while on one of their trips in the mid-80s, it has stuck with me. Isn’t it a great motto? It has helped me focus my efforts both personally and professionally, and this includes, of course, my volunteer work with JALT. Having served in co-coordinator, co-editor, and co-chair positions, you can see that I am a big believer in collaboration. I look forward to continuing to work with you as we tackle new challenges!
今回のご推薦は私にとって大変光栄なことであります。プログラムディレクターに再選されたあかつきには,すでに開始されている戦略的長期プログラム計画に取り組んでいく所存です。また,継続中の長期計画に加えて,出版部門が長年にわたって行なってきた大好評の“How to Publish”ワークショップに匹敵するような“How to Present”ワークショップを実施することでJALTメンバーの皆様のお役に立てる機会を創出していきたいと思います。これは私が過去2年のあいだに実行することができなかったことのひとつです。そして、地方支部とSIG(分野別研究部会)が年間を通じて行っている月ごとのプログラムのサポートにもフォーカスをあてたいと思っています。
Ed.D. Temple University, Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology in Education. (2005).
MAT in ESL School for International Training (SIT). (1995).
MFA in Arts Administration, Virginia Tech University. (1987).
MA in Speech, Communication & Theatre Arts, Wake Forest University. (1980).
BS in Drama, Liberty Baptist College. (1978).
Certificate in Online Teaching, TESOL Inc., (2006).
SIT Certified TESOL Certificate Trainer. (2000-2001).
Certificate in TESOL. The New School for Social Research, (1991).
Work Experience since coming to Japan
Professor, Osaka Jogakuin College, 1995-present (professor since 2004).
Visiting Professor, School for International Training, 2008-2009.
Online Faculty, The New School for Social Research, 2007-present.
Teacher Trainer, BELTA, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2005, February 2007, March 2005, and March 2006.
EFL Online writing teacher, National American University, 2006-2008.
Online Teacher Trainer, New School for Social Research, 1996-present
EFL Instructor, Winrock Foundation/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. July-August 1996.
EFL Instructor, Language Institute of Japan, Odawara, Kanagawa. 1993-1995.
JALT Experience
Director of Program, 2010-2012
Teacher Education SIG, Co-Coordinator, 2010
JALT Conference Main Co-Chair, 2009
JALT Journal Editor-in-chief, 2005–2008
GALE SIG, Co-Coordinator, 2004–2006
Osaka Chapter, Member-at-Large, 2003, 2007, 2010
JALT Journal Associate Editor, 2003, 2004
JALT Journal Editorial Advisory Board, 2000–2002, 2009, 2010 (present)
Learner Development SIG Newsletter Co-Editor, 1997–1999
JALT Journal Additional Reader, 1996–2000
Publication Board Chair, 1996,1997
TLT Editorial Advisory Board, 1997–2010 (present)
Conference Inputter/layout, 1995
Conference Proceedings Co-Editor, 1995, 1996
Conference Publications Editor, 1994–1996, 2002
JALT Member since 1992.
Temple UniversityにてInstruction, and Technology in Educationを専攻。教育学博士号(Ed.D)取得(2005)。
School for International Training にてESLを専攻。教育学修士号(MAT)取得。(1995)
Virginia Tech University にてArts Administrationを専攻。美術学修士号(MFA)取得 (1987)。
Forest UniversityにてSpeech,Communication & Theatre Artsを専攻。修士号取得(1980)
Liberty Baptist CollegeにてDramaを専攻。学士号取得(1978)。
TESOL Inc.によりオンラインティーチング資格認定(2006)。
School for International TrainingによりTESOL Certificate Trainer認定(2000-2001)。
The New School for Social Research にてTESOL認定(1991)。
1995年~現在 大阪女学院大学・短期大学教授 (2004年より教授)
2008~2009年 School for International Training 客員教授
2007年~現在The New School for Social Research オンライン教員
2005年3月,8月,2006年3月,2007年2月 BELTA(ダッカ,バングラデシュ)教員トレーナー
2006~2008年 National American University EFLオンラインライティング教員
1996年~現在New School for Social Research 教員オンライントレーナー
1996年7~8月Winrock Foundation / China Agricultural University(北京,中国)EFL講師
1993~1995年Language Institute of Japan(小田原,神奈川)EFL講師
2010年 教師教育研究部会 共同コーディネーター
2009年 JALT全国大会 メイン共同議長
2005~2008年 JALT学会誌 編集長
2004~2006年 ジェンダーと語学教育研究部会 共同コーディネーター
2003年, 2007年, 2010年 大阪支部 Member-at-Large
2003~2004年 JALT学会誌 副編集長
2000~2002年, 2009年~現在 JALT学会誌 編集委員会メンバー
1997~1999年 学習者ディベロプメント研究部会 ニュースレター共同編集
1996~2000年 JALT学会誌 アディショナルリーダー
1996年,1997年 出版部局議長
1997年~現在 TLT 編集委員会メンバー
1995年 全国大会ハンドブックデザイン・レイアウト
1995年, 1996年 全国大会プロシーディング共同編集
1994~1996年, 2002年 全国大会出版物編集
Bio data:
JALT Service
2010 – present: Director of Treasury
2010: Internal Examination Committee Chair (former Internal Audit Committee)
2010: Pan-SIG 2010 Treasurer
2008 – 2010: Chapter Treasurer Liaison
2009: Internal Auditor
2007 – 2010: Kyoto Chapter Treasurer
2004 – 2006: Hiroshima Chapter Recording Secretary
2003 – present: National Member
Work Record:
2011 – present: Full-time lecturer, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
2010 – 2011: Part-time lecturer, College of Economics and Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
2008 – 2011: Part-time instructor, Doshisha International Jr./Sr. High School
2006 – 2009: Part-time lecturer, Katata Nursing College
2006 – 2009: Part-time lecturer, Kacho Social Welfare College
2004 – 2006: Instructor, Hiroshima YMCA Foreign Languages Academy
Education Record:
2009, 2010: Cambridge ESOL Certified Oral Examiner (YLE – CPE)
2008: MA in Language Education and Sociolinguistics, Ritsumeikan University
2007: TESOL Certificate, UBC – Ritsumeikan Joint TESOL Program
2007: Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Level 1
2006: BA in Linguistics, Hiroshima University
2002: Japanese Studies Certificate, Osaka University of Foreign Languages
Statement of Purpose:
The two years I have served as JALT Director of Treasury have been challenging but also very rewarding, as I have had the chance to work with an extremely dedicated team of directors and other national officers, JALT Central Office staff, as well as Chapter and SIG officers. During this time, I have been successful in working with the JALT treasury team to streamline many of the treasury procedures, both at national level and at Chapter and SIG level. I have worked to improve the communication between Chapter and SIG treasurers and the JALT national team, by organizing Skype training meetings, and a Treasury Workshop. Also, we compiled a new Treasury Handbook, which details the duties of Chapter and SIG treasurers.
If duly elected, I plan to continue working hard with the JALT treasury team to maintain and improve JALT’s financial health. I consider that the main role of the Director of Treasury is to provide support for the other officers, both national and local. I hope to continue to provide a clear financial picture, which will allow JALT to provide the best possible service to its members. I would very much appreciate your support in this endeavor.
現在私はJALT本部の財務担当理事として活動しています。財務担当理事としての責任は重大ですが、熱心で精力的な理事やJCOスタッフやチャプターやSIGオフィサー達と共に働けたことを光栄に思っています。この2年間JALTの会計チームと共に、チャプター、SIG、全国会計のさまざまな課題に積極的に取り組んできました。 各支部の会計係と全国会計チームの連携の向上に努めるためSkypeトレーニングや会計ワークショップなどを導入しました。また、活動内容を明確にするためチャプター・SIGの会計担当のマニュアルを作成しました。
Professional Profile
Accomplished career demonstrating success as a TESL/TEFL Educator and Administrator at the elementary and secondary education levels. Outstanding track record assuring student success.
Experienced in building programs from the ground up through proven competencies in developing curriculum and syllabus, project and program management and staff development through educational seminars and demonstration lessons.
Extensive background in developing and implementing programs for district wide EFL educational training for incoming ALTs and ELTs.
Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals and attain results.
1982-1985 B.A., Theatre Studies, University of Exeter, Exeter, England.
1979-1981 East Devon College of Further Education, Devon, England.
1995 Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), Trinity College London, London, England. Acquired pre-service teaching credential focusing on language awareness, methods, classroom management and lesson planning.
Teaching Experience
Senior Assistant Language Teacher, Ibigawa City School District, Japan, 2001 to Present—Teach English as a foreign language at the Pre-School, Elementary and Jr. High School educational levels from classes of 5 students to 40. Increased student interest and levels in English language abilities by implementing a revised curriculum focusing on communicative competencies. Received accolades from teachers and staff for enhancing the success of students studying within the new framework. Supervise and organize all aspects of ALT/ELT instructional leadership and evaluation, including both foreign and Japanese instructors.
Head Teacher, Millers English School, Aichi, Japan, 1999-2000—Directed all aspects of the school operations, including the development of course materials for all classes, arranging the academic calendar, staff selection, staff training regarding classroom management and teacher development. Managed and coordinated all school events including social as well as academic functions.
EFL Lead Teacher, Ocean Global Network, Konan, Aichi, Japan, 1996-1998—Taught all levels of EFL with a primary focus on young learners. Instrumental in the development of the curriculum, syllabus and materials for the pre-school program. Consistently met/exceeded yearly progress goals for students in the program.
EFL Teacher, Creative English School, Ichinomiya, Aichi, Japan, 1991-1994—Taught all educational levels from young learners to adults garnering student satisfaction leading to an increase the number of students through an 80% student renewal record. Assisted in the transformation of a small local school to one competitive with larger more regional institutions.
EFL Teacher, Hampton Academy of English, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 1989-1990—Gained valuable experience as an entry level teacher assisting more senior teachers and staff in most aspects of teacher responsibilities, including creating materials, organizing student events, assisting staff with instructional supervision and student placement. Achieved measurable success with students through positive feedback in evaluations and in-class observations.
Green, J. (2006), “Team teaching productive skills: A communicative activity.” Presented at Japan Association for Language Teachers (JALT) Young Learner Mini-Conference, Gifu, Japan.
Green, J. Phonics – April 2012. Presented at Himeji JALT. Activities explored to bring phonics into your classroom.
Green, J. ( 2011 ) Membership Chairs Workshop. Presented at the June EBM.
Green, J. (2009), “Making New Friends.” Presented at Seino Board of Education, Ibigawa, Japan.
Green, J. (2008), “Traveling Around the World.” Presented at Seino Board of Education, Ibigawa, Japan
Professional Affiliations
Member, Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Gifu Chapter, 2005-Present.
Director of Membership, 2010 to 2012
Membership Chair, JALT Gifu Chapter, 2006 to 2010.
Conference Publicity Board Member, JALT National Conference Executive Planning Committee, 2010
Gifu Chapter Representative, JALT National Executive Board (EBM), 2007-2010
Advisory Board Member, JALT National Chapter Grants Committee ( 2007 )
Advisory Board Member, JALT National Membership Chairs Committee (2008)
Statement of Purpose
I have been an active member of JALT for 7 years. For the last 2 years I have been the Director of Membership.
As Director of Membership, I have worked to successfully update the Membership Handbook, conducted a workshop for Membership Chairs, helped to update the Excel membership files, improved the JALT domestic promotion kit, conducted an outreach to the JETS and devised a 5 Year Membership Campaign.
I believe that as JALT Director of Membership I can consolidate on the work I have already done and make a difference by helping all the chapters to increase their memberships, with practical advice encouraging the exchange of new membership gathering ideas.
Personally, I am a hard worker who believes strongly in JALT and it’s commitment to teachers. I have been a teacher, educational administrator and teacher trainer for 20 years in Japan with experience in many different school systems. I believe that this experience will be very useful as I work towards the coordinating of new affiliates and help them build their relationship with JALT.
I hope you will consider giving me another 2 years in the post of Director of Membership when you cast your vote at the next national elections.
Yours Sincerely, J. Buzz . Green
ジュディス グリーン
1979-1981年:イングランドDevonにあるEast Devon大学
1995年イングランドのLondonにあるLondon Trinity CollegeでCELTA取得。CELTA:言語への気づき、教授法、クラス管理、教案作りに焦点を当てた教授資格。
主任教員:1999年〜2000年まで愛知県のMillers English Schoolにて
EFL指導教員:1996年〜1998年まで愛知県江南市のOcean Global Networkにて
EFL教員:1991年〜1994年まで愛知県一宮市のCreative English Schoolにて
EFL教員:1989年〜1990年まで愛知県名古屋市のHampton Academy of Englishにて
会員担当理事 (2010〜2012)
広報会議委員(JALT Nationalの執行企画委員2010年)
岐阜支部代表(JALT National執行会議にて2007年〜2010年)
諮問会議委員(JALT National奨学金委員会2007年)
諮問会議委員(JALT National会員資格委員会2008年)
J.B. Green
JALT Service
2010-2012 National Auditor
2008-2010 National JALT President
Hiroshima Chapter President for 10 years between 1998-2008
2004/05 4C Coordinator
2000-2003 Hiroshima Chapter Vice President
Hiroshima Chapter Web Editor 2002-2003
Hiroshima Chapter Programme Chair 3 years between 1997-1999
1996 National Conference Handout Center
2007/2008 National Conference EME
2010年―2012年 全国監査
2008年―2010年 全国会長
1998年―2008年 広島支部会長
2004年―2005年 4コーナーツアーコーディネーター
2000年―2003年 広島支部副会長
2002年―2003年 広島支部ホームページ担当役員
1997年―1999年 広島支部プログラム担当役員
2007年・2008年 全国大会教材展示担当
Work Record 私の職歴
2005 –present Vice Principal Hiroshima YMCA International Kindergarten
2005-present West Japan YMCA Coordinator/Teacher trainer
2004 Hiroshima Institute of Technology attached High School
2006-present School owner Bluestone Studio
2008-present Owner JB Consulting including Jellybeans Educational Materials ジェリービーンズ教材及びJBコンサルティングオーナー
Part-time teacher Hiroshima Jogakuin University, Hiroshima Dental Hygienist College
2003-present Chief Coordinator Hiroshima YMCA School of Languages
1997-2003 Hiroshima YMCA International Business College Head of Department
1988-1997 Hiroshima YMCA School of Languages Coordinator Junior/Senior High
1986-present Teacher at Hiroshima YMCA School of Languages
Cambridge Examination examiner
TOEFL Assistant Supervisor for 15 years
Education Record 私の教育歴
Junior/Senior High Teacher’s License Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education
Teaching Certificate Sheffield Hallam University
BA Education Central Pacific College
Statement of Purpose
Over the past two years I have had the privilege of serving as the National Auditor of JALT. During that time I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of NPO JALT and its constitution.
I know and understand that as the auditor I must take a neutral stance in order to focus on the business conducted by the directors, to inspect the assets of NPO JALT and to present my opinions to the directors regarding the manner in which they are exercising the responsibility with which we have entrusted them. If elected for two more years I will be able to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired over the last two years to help the organization continue to run smoothly.
Work Record
2007-Present English Lecturer, Toyo Gakuen University; 2007-Present Part-time English Lecturer, Shibaura Institute of Technology; 2006-2007 Part-time English Lecturer, Takushoku University; 2003-2007 English Teacher, Kanto International Senior High School; 2001-2003 Assist. Coordinator/English Teacher, Universal Language Institute; 1997-2001 Assistant Trainer/English Instructor, Nova.
2003 Master of Education (TESOL). Temple University. Tokyo, Japan; 1993 Bachelor of Arts (English). University of Windsor. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
JALT service
2010-Present JALT Director of Public Relations; 2010-Present JALT Publications Board Member; 2007-2009 JALT National Domestic Affairs Committee Chair; 2005, 2006 JALT National Conference abstract vetting committee; 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009 JALT National Conference Proceedings Editorial Advisory Committee Member; 2004-2005 Omiya Chapter Programme Chair; 2004 JALT National Conference Handbook Proof Reader; 2002-2004 Omiya Chapter President; 2001-2002 Omiya Chapter Recording Secretary.
Statement of Purpose
As JALT Director of Public Relations, I have gained a broad understanding of our organization. With this knowledge and experience I am able to assist Chapter and SIG Publicity Chairs better, and set specific goals for increasing and improving the number and quality of JALT’s relationships with organisations related to language teaching and learning. I’m keen to meet the challenges of another term as Director of Public Relations and humbly ask for your support.
所信表明:私は長年、特定非営利活動法人全国語学教育学会の会員であり、さらにこの二年間は会広報担当理事を担当いたしました。これまでの職務で養われた経験や知識は広報担当理事としての責務を成し遂げるために、また、JALT組織 (特定非営利活動法人全国語学教育学会)の健全な運営を実践するために有効であると思っております。広報担当理事の職位を切望しておりますので、ご支援を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
Work experience in Japan
2012-present: English instructor, Toyo Gakuen University (Nagareyama, Chiba)
2011-2012: English instructor, Tokai University (Hiratsuka, Kanagawa)
2009-2012: English teacher, Kanto International Senior High School (Shibuya, Tokyo)
2009: English teacher, Watanabe English School (Fukui City, Fukui)
2008-2009: English conversation teacher, AEON (Fukui City, Fukui)
2004-2006: English conversation teacher, GEOS (Yokohama, Kanagawa)
2006-2008: Master of Arts, TESOL and Foreign Language Education, New York University
2000-2004: Bachelor of Arts, Politics, New York University
JALT service
2010-present: Coordinator, Critical Thinking SIG
2008-present: Program Chair, Fukui Chapter
Statement of purpose
In four short years, I have been more than happy to consider myself a part of JALT, as a member of its rank and file as well as an observer of its inner workings. From 2009, I have worked with Aleda Krause, the current Director of Records, and other members of the Records and Procedures Committee. In that time, we have worked together to approve the constitutions of nearly every chapter and SIG in JALT, a minor but necessary task to allow JALT to function as an NPO.
As a candidate for Director of Records, I bring experience from both chapter and SIG perspectives. As Program Chair of Fukui Chapter, Coordinator of the Critical Thinking SIG, and participant of almost every Executive Board Meeting since November 2008, I have been given a wide variety of responsibilities in my brief time as a member of JALT. My hope is to continue the important work currently undertaken by the current Director of Records. Maintaining the vast historical record of JALT conferences, meetings and discussions is a necessary task to guide our policies for the future. Thankfully, Aleda Krause has done an excellent job in establishing this record. My responsibility, if given the chance, will be to add to this record and include its insight in our organization’s decision-making process. With the guidance of all my fellow JALT members, I look forward to this opportunity of serving you and this organization for the next two years.
Aleda KrauseはJALTの史的記録を作ったから、全てのJALT会員に感謝されています。書記担当理事として、私はこの史的記録を守って、JALTのために使えます。私にとって大きなチャレンジですが、他のJALT役員の指導と会員の支持から、書記担当理事としてよく頑張りますので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。