Special Issue: JALT2012 Preconference Issue
Plenary Speaker articles
- Suresh Canagarajah, From the periphery to the center: Making a difference
- John Eyles, Technology as an enabler
- Alan Firth, The social practice of practising English
Özge Karaoğlu, Technology is for every-one: Take the leap!
Jeannette Littlemore, The role of metaphor and metonymy in EFL proficiency
Featured Speaker articles
- Maximizing vocabulary development with online resources by Charles Browne
- Making it memorable through songs and chants by Carolyn Graham
- The Ten Commandments of SLA by Marjo Mitsutomi
- To make a difference, imagine a difference by Garold Murray
- Gender counts: Women in Japanese higher education by Diane Hawley Nagatomo
- Writing for your readers: Tools and approaches by Ted O’Neill
Materials writing: Seven key factors by John Wiltshier
Critical thinking for EFL in Japan: The way forward (I think) by Sean Wray
Foreword: JALT2012: Making a Difference, October 12-15, 2012, Hamamatsu, Japan
This issue of TLT comes with the Conference Preview, a very helpful bulletin of information that is designed to help you get ready for JALT’s major professional event, Asia’s biggest language-education conference. This year the conference will be held in Hamamatsu; it’s our second time there, but it’s been a few years, so for many of you this will be your first visit to the superb conference facilities of ACT CITY. Because we will be meeting in early October instead of the late November date, there’s a bit less time to get ready. We hope that this special issue of the TLT will be helpful as you make your conference preparations.
As Co-Chairs of this year’s conference, we want to welcome you very warmly to Hamamatsu. The conference is shaping up to be an impressive series of talks, workshops, presentations, and social events. Plenary speakers from New Zealand, Great Britain, the United States and Turkey will give it an exciting international flavor, while dozens of sessions offered by local teachers, writers, and researchers will continue to illuminate the high quality of pedagogy and professional development that is currently happening right here in Japan. The annual "conference within a conference" that we call JALT Junior is one of the fastest-growing areas of JALT, due to the new elementary school English curriculum that was recently introduced, so we also look forward to welcoming a large number of local teachers to the conference this year.
Making a Difference: this theme has encouraged us to look back over our professional lives and to identify the experts, events, and episodes that helped make us who we are today. All of us in JALT stand on the shoulders of those who helped us, taught us, and mentored us. We sincerely hope that JALT2012 will be a memorable and important event in your life! Whether you come to the conference as an experienced “old hand” or as a “newbie” doesn’t really matter: learning is a life-long process, and everybody benefits from the vital exchange of ideas that goes on when hundreds of thinkers, writers, teachers, and learners get together for three days. This could be the year that your presence at JALT is the one that makes a real difference to you.
See you in Hamamatsu!
Steven & Deryn
Welcome to our Pre-Conference Special Issue! In this edition of TLT, readers will find short papers and interviews previewing the Plenary talks of Suresh Canagarajah, John Eyles, Alan Firth, Ozge Karaoglu, and Jeanette Littlemore. We are also pleased to present a series of papers from our Featured Speakers: Charles Browne, Carolyn Graham, Marjo Mitsutomi, Garold Murray, Ted O’Neill, Diane Nagatomo, John Wiltshier, and Sean Wray. In addition to our special content, we also have our regular line up of Features and Readers’ Forums. Our Feature by Eleanor Carson and Hidenori Kashihara looks at student preferences on L1 use in the foreign language classroom. Our Readers’ Forums come to us from Simon Cooke and Chris Wharton. Simon’s paper looks at teaching grammar with a focus on autonomy and Chris’s article outlines two teaching activities that transcend both level and age. We hope you enjoy this special issue and we look forward to welcoming you to the conference in October!
Jennifer Yphantides, TLT Coeditor
今回のTLTは年次大会特集号です。JALTの主要なイベントであり、アジアで最大の言語教育大会に備えるための役に立つ情報を掲載しています。今年の大会は静岡県浜松市で開催されます。ここでの開催は2回目ですが、数年経ちましたので、今回初めてACT CITYという素晴らしい会場にいらっしゃる方も多いのではないでしょうか。今年は、通常の11月ではなく、10月の開催ですので、参加のための準備時間が少し足りないかもしれません。TLTの年次大会特集号が皆様の大会への参加準備の手助けとなることを願っています。
今年度の年次大会委員長として、私たちは浜松へ皆様のお越しをお待ちしています。大会では、さまざまなワークショップ、口頭発表、交流イベントなどがたくさん予定されています。ニュージーランド、イギリス、アメリカ合衆国、トルコからいらっしゃる基調講演者は、刺激的で国際的な雰囲気を大会に与えます。国内の教師、著者、研究者の講演は、日本で現在起こっている教育や教師研修の質の高さを示すでしょう。私たちがJALT Juniorと呼んでいる大会の中の大会は、昨年小学校へ新しい英語が導入されたことにより、JALTの中で最も成長している分野です。今年の大会には多くの教師の方に来ていただけることを期待しています。
Making a Differenceという大会テーマは、私たちのプロとしての人生を振り返り、今日に至るまでの歩みを手助けしてくださった多くの専門家、出来事を明らかにするでしょう。JALTのひとりひとりは、私たちを助け、教え、助言してくださった人々に支えられて立っています。JALT2012が皆様の思い出深く重要な大会になることを願っています。経験豊かなベテランとして、あるいは新人として参加されるかどうかはあまり重要ではありません。学びは一生涯つづくプロセスです。3日間数多くの教師、著者、学習者とともにアイディアを交換することで、全ての人に得るものがあります。JALT大会への参加が皆様の人生に大きな違いを生むことになるかもしれません。
Steven & Deryn
年次大会特集号へようこそ。このTLTでは、Suresh Canagarajah、John Eyles、Alan Firth、Ozge Karaugeu、Jeanette Littlemoreの基調講演について簡単にご紹介します。招待講演であるCharles Browne、Carolyn Graham、Marjo Mitsutomi、Garold Murray、Ted O’Neill、Diane Nagatomo、John Wiltshier、Sean Wrayの論文もあります。特集に加えて、通常のFeatureとReaders’ Forumもあります。FeatureではEleanor Carson とHidenori Kashiharaが、外国語の授業で学習者がL1使用をどう好むかを調べ、Readers’ Forumでは、Simon Cookeが自律に焦点をあてた文法教育について研究し、Chris Whartonがレベルと年齢を越えて使用できる2つのアクティビティを紹介しています。この特集号をお楽しみいただき、10月に年次大会でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
Jennifer Yphantides TLT Coeditor