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JALT Postconference Publication

On JALT2007
Challenging Assumptions: Looking In, Looking Out
Conference Proceedings


On JALT2007: Challenging Assumptions: Looking In, Looking Out

JALT2007JALT2007, under the theme of "Challenging Assumptions: Looking In, Looking Out" saw our annual conference return to Tokyo from November 22 - 25 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center. According to Yuriko Kite, the JALT2007 Conference Chair, the event gave us:

...an optimal opportunity to take another look at where we started and where we are going in language practice and research. Our field is relatively young yet it has been very productive in the last 30 years, as we have seen constant shifts in our understanding of how our students are learning their second/foreign language(s). In a nutshell, theories of second language acquisition and language pedagogy have developed to view language learning not as an individual, but more as a social phenomenon. This shift has enabled us to understand language learning more comprehensively, but at the same time our field today has become diverse and fragmented.

The papers in the Proceedings have been designated according to their focus on categories that include: Issues in the profession, The learner, The language, Approaches to instruction, Teaching with technology, Of global importance for learners and teachers, Reading and writing, Testing and evaluation, and Teaching languages other than English. The contributions reflect current issues and practice in the field of foreign language instruction as described by the conference theme.

In this Conference Proceedings you will find over 120 papers offering information and ideas to support and motivate you in your learning, teaching, and research. We also hope that this volume encourages further cooperation, collaboration, and discussion of language learning and teaching contexts by teachers, students, material designers, and researchers.

We owe our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the dedicated team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring the Proceedings to press: Daniel Arrieta (Spanish Editor), Robert Bett, Torkil Christensen, Scott Gardner, Mihoko Inamori (Japanese Editor), Aleda Krause, Ben Lehtinen, Robert Long, David Ockert, Damian River, Greg Rouault, Joseph Sheehan, Alan Stoke, Lukasz Zablonski (German Editor), our Reading Committee, and, finally, the authors.

We look forward to exploring the JALT2008 conference theme of Shared Identities: Our Interweaving Threads in next year's Proceedings.

The Editors
Kim Bradford-Watts, Theron Muller, and Malcolm Swanson

Editorial Staff


  • Kim Bradford-Watts
  • Theron Muller
  • Malcolm Swanson

Associate Editors

  • Daniel Arrieta (Spanish Editor)
  • Robert Bett
  • Torkil Christensen
  • Scott Gardner
  • Mihoko Inamori (Japanese Editor)
  • Aleda Krause
  • Ben Lehtinen
  • Robert Long
  • David Ockert
  • Damian River
  • Greg Rouault
  • Joseph Sheehan
  • Alan Stoke
  • Lukasz Zablonski (German Editor)

Assistant Editors

  • RJ Frampton
  • Sharon Ishizaki
  • Akemi Katayama
  • Nozomu Sonda

Design, Layout, and Web Editing

  • Pukeko Graphics (Paul Collett)

Published by

The Japan Association for Language Teaching
August 2008
Tokyo, Japan

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Steve Brown
  • Publications Board Chair: Kim Bradford-Watts


Copyright © 2008 by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For information

JALT2007 Conference Proceedings, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN

Cataloging Data

Bradford-Watts (ed.)
On JALT2007: Challenging Assumptions: Looking In, Looking Out


1. Second Language Teaching—Second Language Learning—Teacher Education
1. Title
August 2007
ISBN: 978-4-901352-28-4 (JALT2007 Conference Proceedings)