On JALT2003 Conference Proceedings
Keeping Current in Language Education
With a theme such as Keeping Current in Language Education, the focus has to be on innovation--in the classroom, in the materials we use, in the way evaluate ourselves and our students, and in the beliefs and ideals we hold as teachers.
The papers published in this Conference Proceedings were chosen for the innovativeness they bring to the language teaching profession--particularly in our Japanese context. With around 80 articles to choose from, we are sure readers will find much to work with in their teaching.
We would like to offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those people who helped us to bring the Proceedings to this point: our editorial team; Kim Bradford Watts, Cecilia Ikeguchi, Robert Long, Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska (Japanese Editor), Amanda O'Brien, Michael Schart (German Editor), Joseph Sheehan, and Chiara Zamborlin (Italian Editor); our reading committee; and all the writers themselves.
Malcolm Swanson
Kent Hill
JALT2003 Proceedings Co-Editors
- Malcolm Swanson
- Kent Hill
Associate Editors
- Kim Bradford Watts
- Cecilia Ikeguchi
- Robert Long
- Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska (Japanese Editor)
- Amanda O'Brien
- Michael Schart (German Editor)
- Joseph Sheehan
- Chiara Zamborlin (Italian Editor)
Design, Layout, & CD Mastering
- Pukeko Graphics (Paul Collett & Malcolm Swanson)
Published by
The Japan Association for Language Teaching
October 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Copyright & Cataloguing Data
- JALT President: James Swan
- Publications Board Chair: Amanda O'Brien
Copyright ©2004 by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.
For information
Conference Proceedings, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN
Cataloging Data
Swanson, Hill (eds.)
On JALT2003: Keeping Current in Language Education
Bibliography: p.
- 1. Second Language Teaching--Second Language Learning--Teacher Education
- 1. Title
- October 2004
- ISBN: 4-901352-06-7 (JALT2003 Conference Proceedings)
Editorial Advisory Board for JALT2003 Conference Proceedings
- Mark Alberding, Asia University
- Paul A. Beaufait. The Prefectural University of Kumamoto
- Rebecca Benoit, Chiben Gakuen Wakayama
- Kim Bradford-Watts, Kyoto Institute of Technology
- Wade Carlton, Ibaraki University
- Michael Carroll, Momoyama Gakuin University
- Torkil Christensen, Hokusei Gakuen University
- Paul Dessoir, Temple University Japan
- Peter Gobel, Kyoto Sangyo University
- Kent Hill, Seigakuin University
- Richard Hodge, Shiga University of Medical Science
- Megumi Kawate-Mierzejewska, Temple University Japan
- Lorne Kirkwold, Hokkai-Gakuen University
- Robert Long, Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Steve McGuire, Nagoya University of Arts
- Mariko Miyao, Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Women's University
- Ron Murphy, Ehime University
- Amanda O'Brien, Doshisha Women's College
- Carolyn Obara, Tokyo Metropolitan College
- Martin Pauly, Tsukuba College of Technology
- Jonathan D. Picken, Tokyo West
- Andrew Reimann, Utsunomiya University
- Stephen M. Ryan, Eichi (Sapientia) University
- Kevin Ryan, Showa Women's University
- Chieko Sato, Ichinohe Town Board of Education
- Michael Schart, Keio University, Faculty of Law
- Lorraine Sorrell, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
- Michael Stout, Kanto International High School
- Malcolm Swanson, Kyushu Junior College of Kinki University
- Peter J. Wanner, Tokai University
- Christopher Weaver, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Howard White, Saniku Gakuin Junior College