Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
JALT Postconference Publication

On PAC3 at JALT2001 Conference Proceedings

A Language Odyssey

The odyssey was seven years in the planning. It opened to the thunder of Japanese taiko drums and a brass orchestra, hosted almost 600 workshops, presentations, events, parties, and plenaries, and attracted close to 2001 attendees from all over the world--including, for the first time, new friends from the Russian Far East, and a large contingent of young people for the Asian Youth Forum.

Other firsts included the hugely successful 'JALT Junior'--a conference-in-a-conference for teachers of young children. It was the first JALT conference in Kyushu, and it was our first joint venture with SIETAR and JPacSLRF

PAC3 at JALT2001 was a success beyond everyone's expectations. Under beautiful autumn skies we gathered for four days on a journey to share ideas, learn, network, and renew acquaintances.

Almost one year later, our odyssey finally ends with the creation of this conference proceedings. Like everything about the conference, it too has exceeded our hopes... 110 articles by 147 writers, filling 935 pages with material on every aspect of language teaching and learning. Our thanks go to all the writers who poured their ideas and energy into this volume of work, creating a mammoth record that stands as a fitting memorial to the event.

The editors would like to offer a special thanks to Gene van Troyer who guided the proceedings through the review and selection process before personal circumstances led to his resignation.

With that, we'll leave you to continue your explorations of this volume, and hope you find much of interest on your own language odyssey...

Malcolm Swanson
David McMurray
PAC3 at JALT2001 Proceedings Co-Editors


  • Malcolm Swanson
  • David McMurray

Design, Layout, & CD Mastering

  • Pukeko Graphics (Paul Collett & Malcolm Swanson)

Published by

The Japan Association for Language Teaching
October 2002
Tokyo, Japan

Copyright & Cataloguing Data

  • JALT President: Tadashi Ishida
  • Publications Board Chair: Brad Visgatis


Copyright ©2002 by the Japan Association for Language Teaching. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form without written permission from JALT, except in cases of brief quotations embodied in scholarly articles and reviews.

For information

Conference Proceedings, JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5th Floor, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, JAPAN

Cataloging Data

Swanson, McMurray (eds.)
On PAC3 at JALT2001: A Language Odyssey

Bibliography: p.

  • 1. Second Language Teaching--Second Language Learning--Teacher Education
  • 1. Title
  • November 2002
  • ISBN: 4-901352-04-0 (PAC3 at JALT2001 Conference Proceedings)

Editorial Advisory Board for PAC3 at JALT2001 Conference Proceedings

  • Ashwell, Tim, Komazawa Junior College
  • Barfield, Andrew, Chuo University
  • Beaufait, Paul, Pref. University of Kumamoto
  • Carlton, Wade, Shimane University
  • Carman, Christopher, Sangyo Ika Daigaku
  • Cisar, Larry, Kanto Gakuen University
  • Cornwell, Steve, Osaka Jogakuin Junior College
  • Clapsaddle, Marie, Hokuriku Gakuin Junior College
  • Cullen, Brian, Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Dimmitt, Nick, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
  • Farrell, Thomas S.C., Singapore National Institute of Education
  • Flowers, Duane, Purple Dolphin Language Academy
  • Hunter, Lawrie, Kochi University of Technology
  • Iwai, Chiaki, Hiroshima City University
  • Katchen, Johanna, National Tsing Hua University
  • Komisarof, Adam, Lewis and Clark College
  • Koshewa, Allen, Lewis & Clark College
  • Krause, Aleda, Aleda's School of English
  • Lovtsevich, Galina, Far Eastern National University, Russia
  • MacGregor, Laura, Gakushuin University
  • McGuire, Steve, Nagoya University of Arts
  • Obara, Carolyn, Sangyo Ika Daigaku
  • Parent, Kim, Tokyo Jogakkan Junior College
  • Picken, Jonathan, Tsuda College
  • Reynolds, Brett, Sakuragaoka Girls' Jr. & Sr. High School
  • Ryan, Stephen M., Eichi (Sapientia) University
  • Serkova, Nellie, Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University
  • Simmons, Thom, Nihon University
  • Svendson, Alice, Jumonji Women's College
  • Swain, Lillian, Hyugagakuin Junior/Senior High School
  • Weaver, Christopher, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • White, Howard, Saniku Gakuin Junior College