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Robert H. Taferner, Hiroshima University

Longitudinal efficacy of comprehensive direct written corrective feedback (CF) on L2 writing was investigated with the participation of 22 students attending pre-intermediate level EFL courses in Japan. Under controlled conditions they wrote spontaneous, 30-minute timed texts using pictures from children’s stories. Participants receiving CF treatment revised their texts using teacher CF, while the control group only wrote texts, then rewrote them to catch any grammatical slips they made. Pretest and delayed posttest (weeks 24 and 39) texts were analyzed for longitudinal changes in the accuracy of articles and prepositions. These results indicate that CF on articles had a significant effect; indefinite article usage improved 35% and definite articles improved by 25%, whereas no change in the accuracy of prepositions was observed. The study showed that comprehensive direct written CF and remedial instruction of article usage is likely to benefit pre-intermediate EFL students’ longitudinal L2 grammar development.
