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Neil Addison, Neil Conway, Morten Hunke, Atsushi Iida, Tara McIlroy, Anna Twitchell, & Li-hsin Tu

At the 40th annual JALT Conference, the Literature in Language Teaching SIG forum focused on the conference theme of language across borders. In the forum, the various speakers considered the notion of borders in different ways. Each presenter gave a short talk of 10-15 minutes, and after the presentations there was an interactive question and answer session in which audience members were invited to comment on and talk with the presenters about their topics. In this paper a summary of each talk is given in 6 short sections in order to document the event in the proceedings of the conference.

40周年を迎えたJALTコンファレンスにおいて、LiLT SIGフォーラムは、今回のカンファレンスのテーマでもある領域を超えた言語教育の研究に焦点をあてた。これらの領域を超えた文学の学習と研究において活発な議論が行われた。それぞれの発表者は10分から15分の短いスピーチを行い、その後、発表者の論題にそった質疑応答や話し合いを行った。この研究論文では、このカンファレンスにおいての記録を残すため6つの短いセクションにわけて話し合いの内容を要約する。