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Jon E. Leachtenauer, Loran Edwards, Kansai Gaidai University


One challenge many teachers face in their EFL writing classes is trying to create writing tasks that can work for students of varying skill levels. Another hurdle is finding a good method for providing each student with feedback that they will be able to apply to future drafts or other writing assignments. When we were given the opportunity to create a new writing course, we explored the idea of incorporating portfolios into our writing class that would hopefully address both of these challenges. It was hypothesized that writing portfolios would allow students to work at their own pace and writing level by giving them the opportunity to decide how and when they would complete their writing projects. The course delivery and instruction centered around student-teacher conferences intended to give individual feedback to each student multiple times throughout the semester.

能力の異なる学習者に対して有効なライティング課題を与えるのは多くのEFL教員にとって難関であり、同じ様に有効なフィードバックを各生徒に返し、各生徒がその助言を新たな文章や改訂版に反映するプロセスを考え出すのもまた悩みの種である。今回、著者達に新たなコースを作ると言う課題を与えられた結果、ポートフォリオ式のライティング・クラスを行えば上記の二点に対応出来るのでは無いかと言う結 論に至った。まず、この形式だと各生徒のペースに合わせていつ課題を終らせるのか計画を立てられる、各自の能力レベルに合わせやすくなるのが一点で、もう一 点は生徒と教員の間でフィードバックを行える1対1のカンファレンスを複数回行える点が上げられる。