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Miyuki Yonezawa, Yuka Kurihara; Jeffrey Durand, Tokai University


In this paper we present the results of a yearlong study on using Graded Readers with CDs for listening and students’ attitudes toward English in general in required English classes at a large university in Japan. The main purposes of the study were to examine how much students’ listening skills changed over the course of a year and to explore the impact of Graded Reader-related activities on students’ attitudes toward English. The study employed pre-, midyear-, and posttests in listening, in addition to surveys. To obtain further insights, selected students participated in interviews at the end of the year. The findings suggest that the activities with Graded Readers and CDs (e.g., listening, interaction through pair and group work, and shadowing) have a potential to help develop students’ English abilities. This is because through the activities, they became more aware of their strengths and weaknesses in English than they were before.
