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John Howrey, Nanzan University; Kelly Quinn, Nagoya Institute of Technology


This paper summarizes a 2-year research project dealing with online listening activities developed using authentic sources from Internet sites such as YouTube, NPR, and the BBC, and listening materials created by the authors. The goals of the project were to give students more practice to develop listening skills, more autonomy, and more empowerment, and to foster independent learning. Due to changes in how we administered this project, a final goal was to evaluate whether Moodle activities or paper handouts were more effective in helping students improve listening skills. This paper explains the motivation and background of this project, how the project was administered, the results from pretests and posttests, the number of activities completed per student, and which format—paper or Moodle—encouraged a consistency of effort from students.
この小論文はYouTube, NPR, BBCなどインターネットのサイトを基にしたオンラインのリスニングアクティビティに関する2年間のリサーチプロジェクトを要約したものである。このプロジェクトの目標は、学習者のリスニングスキルを向上させるのに、Moodle と紙媒体のどちらがより効果的かを評価することである。この発表ではプロジェクト開始前とプロジェクト終了後の学生の成績、学生が行ったアクティビティの数、どの形式が学生の努力を継続させるのに役立ったのかを比較する。