The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011 disrupted life for scores of Japanese and Japan residents. Nowhere was this felt more than the education contexts in which suddenly millions of students were either unable to continue with their studies, or unsure if even their schools or classmates escaped the disaster unscathed. The following is a reflective account of how the online component of one TESOL graduate class allowed the teachers and students to persevere through the tragedy, continue with their course work and ultimately create a deep and lasting academic community.
August 2011
Page No.:
Chris Hale, Gordon Myskow, Reiko Takeda, Ethan Taomae, Megan Burke, Joël Laurier; Teachers College, Columbia University Tokyo
2011年3月に発生した東日本大震災により、日本国内の大勢の人々の生活及び人生が一変した。教育現場では、数百万人の児童・生徒・学生が勉強の中断を強いられ、校舎や同級生の無事も確認できない状態であった。本稿では、ある大学院における英語教授法のオンライン上の交流を通して、震災により生まれた学生同士の 絆が現在も続いている様子を論ずる。