Kaori Nakao

Beginning in 2011, all fifth- and sixth-grade students in Japanese elementary schools must complete 35 hours of compulsory English. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has stipulated that homeroom teachers, rather than language teaching specialists, will carry out instruction in elementary schools. Many current and pre-service teachers are unprepared for this role. Significant research with in-service teachers has been carried out, by both the government and independent researchers. However, pre-service teachers have not been included in data collection until now. Two groups of pre-service teachers (n = 14, n = 19) were surveyed regarding their perceptions of and confidence in English teaching in elementary school. Results suggest that educational background, particularly in English, may play an important role in what pre-service teachers perceive as relevant to preparing for their future career.


本研究では、小学校教員養成課程に在籍する大学生 (n=19) と中学・高校英語教員免許取得志望者を含む英語を専攻している大学生 (n=14) を対象とした「小学校英語活動」に関する意識調査を実施した。ここで明らかになった大学生の認識の違いは、かれらの専門や学習環境などとの関連性がみられた。これら分析結果を基に、今後大学における小学校英語教育を視野に入れた教員養成のあり方について検討していく。