Akiko Nagao

The aim of this study is to examine the academic practices and language learning of a Japanese University student while he is exposed to a variety of social practices as a newcomer. How he attempts to understand the role of participation in the classroom community is investigated through register analysis and semantic analysis along with rhetorical activities from his interactions. In general, people in a community exhibit social practices and literacy activities and new community members develop those through participating in relationships with others (Wenger, 1998; Mickan, 2006). To make sense of communities of practice, newcomers are required to accustom themselves to the meaning and appropriate use of the different semiotic resources of the communities which they want to join (Halliday, 1978; Mickan, 2006). Newcomers learning to understand how to use different types of semiotic resources underlies the process of becoming a members of a community, and using a case study, this process is investigated here.

言語学習者が「新しい」言語教育環境に足を踏み入れ、新しいクラスメートとコミュニケーションをとったり、言語学習する時、学習者はどのようにして自身の言語能力を伸ばしていくのかについて研究をした。newcomersがexperienced learners とのインタラクションを 通して成長する過程を記述した。