Chie Ogawa

The JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme is an exchange program that is well known both domestically and internationally. Assistant Language Teachers (ALT), who comprise the majority of the participants, team-teach English with Japanese Teachers of English (JTE) in local public schools. In spite of its long history (20 years), there are still challenges that both ALTs and JTEs encounter in terms of team teaching, especially when it comes to ALT’s duties. This study examined preferences for and frequencies of ALTs’ duties. A needs analysis was conducted with 99 participants (71 JTEs & 28 ALTs) in a central prefecture in Japan. The participants were asked to rate how often they perceived that they performed each task (frequency) and to what degree they liked each task (preference). A four-point Likert scale was used to score their answers. After MANOVAs and t-tests were run, mean differences were descriptively analyzed.
