Mike Guest

Using a combination of open-ended classroom surveys (n=593) and personal interviews (n=56) over a period of six years, first and second year medical students at a national university in Japan were asked to express their feelings regarding the modes and methods of alternative assessment the teacher had been using in a Communication English class. The survey and interviews served as an action research response to the teacher’s sense that first year students were not responding to these methods of evaluation as positively or effectively as had been expected. After completing, and subsequently analyzing both the surveys and interviews, it was concluded that many forms of alternative assessment may lack face validity for students, making it difficult for students to choose effective study or performance strategies. It was also noted that while the negative responses were more frequent among first year students, these negative comments decreased among second year students.

国立大学の1、2年生の医学生に対して、筆者がコミュニケーション英語の授業で 取り入れてきた「代替評価」の手段・手法について、クラス調査 (593件) と個 人面接 (56人)を過去6年間に渡って実施し、感想を求めた。調査と面接は、1年次はこの代替評価に関して肯定的、効果的は反応を示すのは困難であろうという筆者の認識に呼応したアクション・リサーチとして機能している。実施と分析を重ねた結果、多用な代替評価の様式は、学生側にとって「表面的妥当性」に欠ける可能性があることが判明した。すなわち、効果的な学習や表現ストラテジーの選択を困難にする可能性がある。また、1年次のほうがより否定的な反応を示す一方で、これらの否定的コメントは、2年次になると、減少する ことも指摘している。