Brad Visgatis

This study reports on results from an investigation into out-of-class time devoted to the target language. Data concerning out-of-class time use was collected from 61 participants. For each episode, 12 data points were collected on the temporal, typological, teleological, and affective characteristics. A total of 1,730 episodes comprising 122,761 minutes were recorded. Participants averaged just over 117 minutes per day during the collection period with a very wide variation between participants. More episodes occurred on weekdays than on weekends, and the distribution over a typical 24-hour period showed one peak at 8:00 and another at 20:00. Most episodes occurred at home (54.3%) and most (61.0%) involved time use that was directly related to school. The typical episode was perceived to involve high concentration, moderate effort, low enjoyment, and very low anxiety. Researchers are encouraged to control for out-of-class time when studying second language acquisition.
