Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

39.1 TLTWelcome to the first issue of 2015! We at The Language Teacher trust everyone had a fantastic New Years with family and friends, and have had a strong start on those slippery resolutions. Ours at the TLT is to continue bringing you the best research, practical classroom ideas, and resources that JALT has to offer in one accessible journal. As we enter the year of the sheep, this first issue of 2015 is anything but sheepish, and as you can plainly see, lacking in extraneous fluff. 

To kick things off, we have three Feature Articles to whet your academic appetites. We begin with Teaching Spoken English at Junior High School: A Comparison of TPR and PPP, by Christian Jones, Michelle Lees, Natalie Donohue, and Karen Smith. We then proceed to Masaya Kaneko, with his article titled, Vocabulary Size Required for the TOEFL iBT Listening Section, and conclude our Featured Articles with  Catherine LeBlanc, Investigating High School Students’ Self-Efficacy in Reading Circles. Two articles from Readers’ Forum also grace this issue for the curious intellect: Developing Collaborative Learning when Teaching TOEFL iBT Classes, by Glenn Davies, and Robert Lowe’s Cram Schools in Japan: The Need for Research. In Book Reviews, Edward Van Der Aar offers first-hand insights into Weaving it Together 1: Connecting Reading and Writing 3rd Edition.

The My Share column brings us four excellent classroom ideas sure to foster creativity and discovery. Shaun Iwasawa introduces an effective method, incorporating the timeless game, rock-paper-scissors, to encourage conversations. Dillon Hicks uses discussion and video in order to draw attention to grammatical functions and to increase fluency. Jin Ha Woo utilizes student smartphones to develop business English research skills, and Gary Wolff motivates students through English songs. 

At TLT, volunteers keep the operation running smoothly from the submission process, to your mailbox. We are always looking for the motivated and reliable to step up and help arm the readership with the latest ideas in language learning. If you just felt a tingle in your sense of service, and would like to contribute to the team of volunteers at TLT, check the call for volunteers notice in this issue and get in contact. We offer training and opportunities in copyediting, proofreading, column editing, submission reviewing, and cross training for those interested in the nuts-and-bolts of magazine production. 

Finally, TLT is nothing without your voice and ideas. Send us your research, reviews, and successful classroom activities. Be sure to check our website on submission guidelines.

John Wolfgang Roberts, TLT Coeditor   


今月号は良い刺激となる3つのFeatureで始まっています。1つ目はChristian Jones, Michelle Lees, Natalie Donohue, and Karen SmithによるTeaching Spoken English at Junior High School: A Comparison of TPR and PPPで、2つ目はMasaya KanekoのVocabulary Size Required for the TOEFL iBT Listening Sectionで、最後にCatherine LeBlancのInvestigating High School Students’ Self-Efficacy in Reading Circlesとなっています。Reader’s Forum として、Glenn DaviesのDeveloping Collaborative Learning when Teaching TOEFL iBT Classes、Robert Lowe のCram Schools in Japan: The Need for Researchが今月号を興味深いものにしています。Book ReviewではEdward Van Der Aar がWeaving it Together 1: Connecting Reading and Writing 3rd Editionについて洞察力のある論評をしています。

My Share では、創造力と発見を促すような4つの素晴らしい授業のアイディアを紹介しています。Shaun Iwasawaはゲームと会話を結びつけた効果的な方法、Dillon Hicks は文法機能を注視し流暢さを高めるためにディスカッションとビデオを使い、Jin Ha Woo はビジネス英語研究能力を伸ばすために生徒のスマートフォンを利用し、Gary Wolff は英語の歌を使って生徒のやる気を促すというアイディアです。

TLTでは投稿を受けてから刊行物をお届けする段階まで、ボランティアの皆さんが円滑な作業を行っています。編集部ではやる気があり信頼のおけるボランティアをいつも募集しています。もし多少なりともボランティアとしてTLTのスタッフチームに貢献したい気持ちがおありでしたら、今月号のthe call for volunteers noticeをチェックしてご連絡ください。われわれの方でcopyediting, proofreading, column editing, submission reviewingなどの編集の仕事の訓練と機会を提供します。



John Wolfgang Roberts, TLT Coeditor