Ted O’Neill, Director of Public Relations

It does not seem possible that it is 2015 and the start of my 3rd year on the Board of Directors. Getting to work with the previous Board and this new Board is the kind of professional, but also personal, development that keeps me involved with JALT. Recent Directors Oana Cusen, Nathan Furuya, Buzz Green, and Roehl Sybing will all be taking a well-earned break, but we couldn’t have done it without them. As much as we’ll miss them, I’m sure they will also miss the work we did together these past two years and more.

We’re a new Board with some fresh and some returning faces. Looking forward to two more great years of JALT.

Ted O’Neill, Director of Public Relations

Fred Carruth, Director of Membership: I am excited at the prospect of joining the Board although somewhat daunted by the challenges. Thanks so much to Buzz Green. I have enjoyed working with her these past years. I have (metaphorically) big shoes to fill.

Steve Cornwell, Director of Program: As we begin the new year, we are looking forward to JALT2015 at Granship in Shizuoka. It has been six years since we have been in Shizuoka and many JALT members are ready to return, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mt. Fuji. The conference team is working to make the conference as memorable as JALT2014 in Tsukuba was. Ah, JALT2014! What fond memories we have of a beautiful facility with Associate Members spread throughout the building from first floor to fourth, of a full three days of quality presentations, four if you count the Technology in Teaching workshops on Friday afternoon, and a wide range of social events including, but not limited to, the OUP Welcome Reception and Best of JALT Party. And the plenaries were interesting, entertaining, and educating. For up-to-date conference information, friend the JALT International Conference on Facebook, follow @JALTConference on Twitter, and stop by JALT homepage regularly: <http://jalt.org/conference>. Please search YouTube for “JALT2014” to subscribe to our new channel.

Nate French, Director of Records: I am really looking forward to being a member of the board. There are so many things to learn, but a big thank you to Roehl for doing such a great job before me and for helping me transition into this position. I believe that we have a lot of challenges in front of us, but I think that if we can work together we’ll be able to do great things.

Aleda Krause, Auditor: A new year. A new JALT position­—auditor. I’m looking forward to being on the Board again and helping steer the JALT ship into new waters. Caroline will be a hard auditor to follow, but fortunately she’ll be around to help me. Thank you in advance for all the help you are all going to give me!

Kevin Ryan, Director of Treasury: I am happy to give Oana a break in Treasury duties, and realize after the conference how well she has streamlined the financial dimension of JALT. She will be a tough act to follow. I am looking forward to working with the other Board Members and the officers on the EBM, as well as the regular members, to get through this financially difficult time. We all have our work cut out for us.

Richmond Stroupe, Vice President: The next two years will present many challenges for JALT, but always with challenges come opportunities. I am excited about the possibilities that are ahead for our association, and I am so pleased to be working with the other professionals and friends who are board members, and the countless other volunteers around the country who dedicate untold numbers of hours and amounts of energy to local, regional and national programing, publications and social events. Much appreciation and gratitude to Nathan for trying to get me ready to take on this responsibility, and for being there for guidance in the months ahead!